Professional fundraisers work to raise money for organizations and projects. They may organize meetings, events, and phone calls to solicit donations from individuals and corporations. They also coordinate marketing campaigns and ensure compliance with solicitation laws.
A professional fundraiser tries to raise money for a project or organization. Some work for fundraising companies, while others are self-employed who work contractually with various organizations. Additionally, many non-profit groups employ full-time fundraisers who are tasked with soliciting donations for the group on an ongoing basis.
Political organizations and electoral candidates often employ staff to solicit donations from political supporters and corporate donors. A professional fundraiser organizes meetings with companies and political organizations in which the policies of a particular candidate or political party are explained. Typically, they organize meetings with entities that benefit from the policies proposed by the fundraiser’s client. Likewise, town hall meetings and other political rallies may be held at which individuals are asked to make donations to the political campaigns of the candidates they support. The professional fundraiser tries to convince potential donors that they have something to gain by providing financial support for a particular candidate or party.
Charity groups usually hire a professional fundraiser to help raise money to help victims of a natural disaster, war or any other type of calamity. Like political fundraisers, charity raisers solicit donations from individuals and corporations. These individuals work to prepare marketing materials and coordinate publicity campaigns to promote awareness of the suffering caused by events such as earthquakes or hurricanes. Some participate in fundraising activities, while others simply provide marketing advice to charitable groups.
In addition to coordination activities, a professional fundraiser can be actively involved in soliciting donations. In many cases, teams place phone calls to private individuals and ask them to donate to charitable or political causes. Donors can typically make donations over the phone using debit or credit cards, while in other cases donors are instructed to make cash donations at local banks or offices. In some countries, laws limit the hours that fundraisers and others can make unsolicited phone calls to property owners. Consequently, a professional fundraiser must ensure that income-generating activities comply with national and regional solicitation laws.
In addition to soliciting donations, a professional fundraiser may also organize events such as concerts, sweepstakes, sales and contests designed to generate revenue for a particular organization or project. The fundraiser may solicit donations of products to be sold or given away as prizes during these events. While this individual typically receives a salary or fee, unpaid volunteers often work at these events. He or she is typically responsible for recruiting volunteers and assigning these individuals job duties.