Pull bars are used to test the strength and pliability of materials under pressure. They are calibrated and tested under controlled conditions to gather data on tensile properties. Results are used to determine material usefulness and redesign if necessary. Test results are documented with graphs and photographs for clear evidence. Companies may perform tests on site or ship products to specialized testing companies.
A draw bar is a calibrated and shaped rod of material used in tests to determine how pliable and strong the material is under pressure. Pull bars are made by taking samples of the material under test and configuring them as needed. Then, they are tested under carefully controlled conditions to gather data on the tensile properties of the material in question. This data is comprehensive and detailed, and provides a material profile that can be used in conjunction with other material test results to determine its usefulness.
A tensile bar, once stamped, is carefully stressed with a tensile test. During the tensile test, you take note of when the material begins to show signs of deformation, such as warping, cracking or fraying. If the bar breaks in half, this is also noticed. This data is used to find out how much resistance the material could withstand before the pull-up bar deforms beyond use. Pull-up bars can be tested with different types of pull-up devices, all calibrated to make sure they exert even pressure.
More pull-up bars will be made to retest and prepare the results. If the material is too weak or inflexible for the intended application, it may need to be redesigned or abandoned and reclaimed for another project in the future. As companies conduct material testing, they have created detailed records on all the materials they produce, and these records can be referenced when materials are needed for a new project, to see if existing products will meet the need.
Some companies make pull rods and perform these tests, along with other material tests, on site. Other companies prefer to ship their products to companies that specialize in testing materials. In some cases, a neutral third party may be required by law or the terms of a contract to confirm the safety of the materials and develop a comprehensive report on them. In these cases, companies have to ship their products to someone else for evaluation.
A document that notes tensile bar test results can show graphs and include photographs of the bars during the test. This information is used to provide clear evidence of the type of material damage discussed in the report; instead of saying “the bar broke” at a given pressure, the reporter can say “a break occurred, as shown in figure 2.2”. This provides people reading the report with contextual information to help them understand the results. Additionally, if a product made from the material fails, you can look up the draw bar test results to compare the actual damage to the damage created under the test conditions.