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What’s a purse party?


Purse parties are becoming popular, but it’s important to ensure that the merchandise is genuine and not counterfeit. Police have been cracking down on smuggling of fake designer bags, so it’s best to avoid parties where counterfeit items are offered. Decorating handbags at a party is a legal and fun alternative.

A purse party is similar to a Tupperware party. When these parties are legal, the bags being sold are actual designer bags. They may wear big brands like Guess or others, and women attend these parties, usually hosted by a friend, to browse many designer bags they may be interested in purchasing. Such parties are becoming common and are a method of direct selling that is proving popular. Typically, a designated sales person has someone else host the party, and the host may be eligible for discounted merchandise.

You need to make sure that the merchandise on offer at a handbag party is genuine and not “designer knockoff” or counterfeit. Unfortunately, some currency parties have resulted in the arrest of relatively innocent guests because they are purchasing items that violate counterfeiting laws. People can attend these fancier handbag parties to buy what appear to be designer handbags but are actually fake, and the production of these fakes is illegal.

Most people know they aren’t buying the real designer label, but they may not know that producing “fakes” can be criminal. Bringing fake wallets into a country usually means someone has had to smuggle them. People who sell these purses, host these parties, or buy purses are likely to be arrested, and police in many US states have been cracking down on smuggling of counterfeit purses, especially targeting places of purse parties. It’s a good idea to avoid parties like this, and perhaps stay away from any stock market parties thrown by a casual acquaintance.

There are purse legal events, but you should ask a few questions before planning to attend any such party. Find out if the products sold are really designer products or if they are marketed as “just like the designer”. If the prices of the goods are well below market value, the bags are probably counterfeit. Do not host or participate in a purse party where counterfeit items are offered. Leave a party if you realize you are not dealing with legal assets.

Another type of handbag party can occur when women buy simple handbags and decorate them at a party. This can be a fun legal event and a great way to socialize. You can plan this type of event for a night out with others, or as part of a celebration for something else, like a bridal shower or birthday. You can also buy purse decorating supplies and purses from many places online and throw this type of party for girls or teens who want to decorate a fancy purse.
