A quad tree is a method of organizing data into four quadrants, commonly used for finding a particular bit or pixel in a two-dimensional image. It requires each internal node to have exactly four child nodes and can be used for organizing computer graphics. The quad tree structure has advantages such as easy deletion and resolution reduction. It is also used in spatial indexing and can be extended to three-dimensional images with an octree structure.
A quad tree, sometimes quadtree, Q-tree, or QT, is a computer term that refers to a method of organizing data into four quadrants. Databases sometimes use quad trees to store and find their records. This type of organizational structure works especially well for finding a particular bit or pixel in a two-dimensional image.
The quad tree somewhat follows the tree data structure commonly used in computer science. The normal tree data structure looks like a flipped tree, where a parent node at the top of the tree has one or more child nodes attached to it. Every other node in the tree has a parent node and can have any number of child nodes, including zero.
Unlike a normal tree data structure, a quad tree requires that each internal node has exactly four child nodes. When you illustrate most quad-tree structures, you’ll see a node that has four child nodes hanging from it, with lines connecting the parent node with its child nodes. The illustration can continue, with four more child nodes hanging from each of the four original child nodes.
Other times, a quad tree illustration will be a region or square. Whenever the region reaches its maximum data storage capacity, it is divided into four quadrants. Normally, regions and quadrants are squares, although they can be rectangles or other shapes.
A quad tree is a good data structure for organizing the pixels in a photo and for organizing computer graphics. The image can be divided into quadrants, and each quadrant can be divided into four others. This can be repeated over and over again until the level of individual pixels is reached. If a dial contains pixels of the same color, however, there’s no reason to divide the dial further.
Although data stored in a quad tree structure can be storage-intensive compared to other methods of organizing data for computer graphics, the quad tree structure has several advantages. First, you can delete the entire photograph or graphic in one step by deleting the root node, which also deletes all of its child nodes. Secondly, you can quickly reduce the resolution in a photograph by simply deleting the final layer of the child nodes. This will then reduce the amount of storage space required. Finally, finding a particular area of the photograph for image manipulation is easier with the quad tree structure.
Quadruple trees are also used in some other situations, including spatial indexing. Although quad trees are limited to two-dimensional images, the representation of a three-dimensional image can follow a similar structure, called an octree, which is the subdivision of a cube into eight children.