A records coordinator organizes and manages paper and electronic files, often working for government institutions, universities, or medical facilities. They must be organized, maintain confidentiality, and perform tasks such as filing forms, accessing records, supervising subordinates, obtaining data, and creating reports.
A records coordinator is a person who organizes and manages paper files, electronic files, or both. These individuals are typically employed by government institutions, universities or medical facilities. To perform this job effectively, the records coordinator must be extremely organized and maintain confidentiality. Some common job functions associated with this position include filing forms, accessing individuals, supervising subordinates, obtaining data needed for reporting, and creating reports.
Routine filling out of forms is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of a records coordinator. Every time a form needs to be filed, it’s up to him to sort it and put it in the proper place. This duty requires a records coordinator to be organized and have a thorough understanding of the records they maintain. In addition, he will need to consistently organize records to ensure that all forms are in the correct location. In some cases, he may also occasionally need to destroy certain records, such as legal documents, after a designated period.
Accessing records for individuals is also a big part of this work. For example, if he is working at a university, he may need to locate student records to gather information. If he is working in a government institution, he may need access to legal documents. This aspect of the job requires complete confidentiality; therefore, it is vital that the records coordinator does not share information with unauthorized individuals.
Supervising subordinates is also common. In smaller departments, he may only supervise a few employees. In larger ones, he may have quite a large staff that helps keep accurate and organized records. This element of the job requires a person with good leadership skills and the ability to oversee a department.
Another part of being a records coordinator involves getting the data you need for your reports. For example, if he is working for a government institution, he may need to find information to produce a budget report. This practice involves locating relevant documents and extracting the necessary data. Accumulating data can sometimes be tedious and time-consuming if there are a large volume of documents involved.
In addition, the records coordinator must also create reports after the necessary data is found. In most cases, this requires him to enter data into a computer. Then it will print tables or graphs that explain trends in the data. After obtaining the tables, he usually shares the information with relevant individuals in person or via online correspondence.