Recovery heart rate is the time it takes for the heart to return to its resting rate after exercise. A decrease of 30-50 beats in the first minute and 15-25 beats per minute after that is ideal. Measuring recovery heart rate can indicate overexercising, overheating, or dehydration. It can be measured by taking the pulse, using a trainer, or wearing a heart rate monitor.
Recovery heart rate is a measure of the time it takes for your heart to return to its resting rate after exercise. In general, the faster your heart recovers to its resting rate, the better fit you will be. Checking your recovery heart rate can also be a way to tell if you’re overexercising, overheated, or dehydrated.
To find a recovery heart rate, you first need to find your resting heart rate. Do this by taking your pulse and counting the number of beats in a minute. This could be 70 or 80 beats per minute, for example. There are numerous charts online to help you determine an ideal resting heart rate. After determining the standard resting heart rate, it is necessary to retake the heart rate while exercising. This heart rate will be considerably higher, typically 100 to 200 beats per minute, depending on age, weight, and fitness level.
For the most accurate measurement of recovery heart rate and fitness level, measure heart rate both at the peak level of exercise and immediately after exercise has stopped. Then measure your heart rate at 15-20 second intervals until it returns to your original resting rate. The amount of time it takes to return to normal rhythms, as well as the number of beats per minute that the heart rate slows, is the most accurate measure of recovery heart rate.
In general, your recovery heart rate should be a decrease of 30 to 50 beats in the first minute, and 15 to 25 beats per minute after that, until it returns to normal. If a heart recovers to less than 12 beats per minute, it can indicate a medical problem, such as heart disease, as well as exhaustion or dehydration. It’s important to determine your recovery heart rate, and there are many ways to do it.
The first and simplest is the method described above, simply counting the heartbeat by taking the pulse. A trainer at a gym will probably use a similar method. Also, many people wear heart rate monitors, which are often attached to the body and constantly measure heart rate during exercise. These are beneficial because they can help users stay within their target heart rate zone, while also measuring heart rate recovery time to determine fitness. Some heart rate monitors will also track the measurement over time, allowing users to see improvements.