A reflective essay is a personal analysis of an experience, without research. It can be about anything from a book to a life event. The purpose is to analyze both positive and negative aspects. It is common in college applications and courses, and should be well-organized and written with correct language.
A reflective essay, also known as a reflective essay, is a work in which the writer will take the opportunity to review and analyze a certain experience in a personal way. A reflective essay does not involve research, as many other types of essays do. Instead, authors can reflect on their own interpretations of an experience; this can be something as simple as reading a book or watching a movie, or it can happen after a larger life event. These are just a few of many examples where a writer can take time to reflect on what he has learned.
The purpose of a reflective essay is not to summarize the experience, but rather to analyze it in a personal way; both positive and negative aspects need to be addressed. For example, an individual who writes a reflective essay about a book he has read will not simply provide the book’s plot. Instead, he could write down what he learned while reading the book, if any of this information has altered his existing viewpoints and if he can relate it in any way to his life. Instructors often assign these types of essays to make sure students are actually reading and thinking about this information; of course, professional authors have also been known to write and publish such essays.
Another common place to find a request for a reflective essay is in a college application. Applicants might be asked to reflect on a significant experience in their life, such as an event that made them realize they wanted to attend a specific college or pursue a particular career path. Thoughtful essays and journals are also common during the college experience. Many instructors ask students to keep reflection journals throughout the course, which are actually a series of reflection essays.
The personal nature of a reflection essay should not be confused with informality. It is important that correct language is still used in this type of essay and that the essay is organized in a cohesive and well-planned manner. Even if the thoughts in the essay are good, a teacher will almost always deduct grades for an article that is poorly organized or poorly expressed. Instructors will generally also provide detailed guidance on how long they want the essay to be and whether they want specific information included.