Reflexologists use massage to improve health by unblocking the flow of chi, or life force, through pressure points in the feet, hands, and ears. Certification is not standardized, but reflexology can be a supplement to medical care and reduce stress.
A reflexologist is an alternative health practitioner who works to improve a patient’s health by massaging the appropriate corresponding points on their body. This usually involves working on the feet, hands, or ears to improve the flow of chi to a specific area or organ in the body. Chi, also sometimes spelled ch’i or qi, is the traditional Chinese principle of energy flow or life force.
A reflexologist is trained in the field of reflexology, which teaches that illness is caused by blocking the chi. Every organ is thought to have a corresponding pressure point in the foot or hand. Reflexologists press, rub and massage these points to release the blockage so that the chi can resume its normal flow and restore health to the body.
Reflexologists have been practicing their craft all over the world since ancient times. Pictograms dating back to 2300 BC show what is thought to be reflexology, represented by a doctor rubbing a person’s foot. Reflexology may even be the foundation upon which acupressure and acupuncture were built.
Reflexologist jobs may entail working at an alternative health clinic or health food store. A reflexology treatment can be administered without a doctor’s order, which allows the reflexologist to work on patients in remote locations such as health fairs or shopping malls. A reflexologist can work independently or under the supervision of a health clinic.
Reflexologist courses are usually offered by institutions that provide training in alternative health-related occupations such as massage therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and herbology. The length of instruction and cost vary greatly between schools, as many countries do not have standardized instruction for reflexologists. Certification may not be required, but it is usually an option to prove that minimal training has been completed.
Reflexology work can be satisfying for many practitioners as this is an occupation they feel helps people. This alternative treatment is often criticized because training and certification are not standardized in many countries. There is also concern that a patient may seek the services of a reflexologist instead of seeking treatment from a qualified physician when needed.
Reflexology is not a substitute for proper medical care, but is a supplement to it. Another benefit of this practice is that it can help relax the body and reduce stress, which has many health benefits. Reflexologist jobs are somewhat similar to massage therapy jobs as it is a hands-on therapy, which helps to relax the patient and at the same time provides other health benefits. With reflexology, these health benefits are reputed to restore the flow of vital chi throughout the body.