A replicated portfolio matches the value of insurance liabilities with a collection of assets, helping to stabilize the portfolio of liabilities and minimize the chance of losses. It can also be used in other investment strategies and helps investors determine whether to hold or sell liabilities. There is some difference of opinion regarding its effectiveness.
A replicated portfolio is a type of investment portfolio that is structured to match or replicate the value of various types of insurance liabilities with a collection of assets. Sometimes referred to as a synthetic asset, the goal of the portfolio is to balance the assets that are currently held with those liabilities. This, in turn, helps stabilize the portfolio of liabilities and may even make it easier to trade those liabilities as debt instruments.
With a replicated portfolio, the goal is to create a pool of assets that can be combined with a pool of liabilities. In the case of investments in insurance liabilities, this means that some of the assets that help serve as the underlying collateral for those instruments provide a cushion or guarantee for the debt. This approach helps to limit the risk that investors assume when buying those insurance liabilities, since the replicated portfolio helps to minimize the chance of incurring a loss on the purchased liabilities.
The same general concept of a replicated portfolio can be used in other investment strategies. Since the value of the portfolio is similar to the value of a different set of holdings, the investor has the knowledge that assets are not performing as expected that assets in the replicated portfolio may help offset the loss. As a result, the investor is positioned for a fair return while being insulated from suffering a total loss.
Another benefit of the replicated portfolio is the ability to analyze the assets held in this pool and use them to project the movement of insurance liabilities or other debt instruments held in the corresponding portfolio. When those projections are accurate, this makes it easier to determine if those liabilities should be held for a specific period of time, then sold at a profit, or if they should be held for the long term. At the same time, projecting the movement with portfolio assets can also help investors determine whether those liabilities should be sold immediately, due to upcoming market conditions that could undermine the amount of return earned from those investments.
There is some difference of opinion regarding the effectiveness of creating a replicated portfolio. Proponents argue that this approach can further strengthen the investor’s position and create another useful tool for measuring market activity. Detractors argue that while the method can be useful, other strategies can work just as well to protect investor interests.
Smart Asset.