A latch is a device that stops rotational motion, commonly used in gambling wheels and household appliances. It can be attached to objects or inserted into round objects, and can rely on spring force or positive latch. It is found in manufacturing, industry, and vehicles.
A latch is a device used to prevent an object from turning. It can also refer to the process of stopping rotational motion. The classic gambling wheel is a good example of this principle. As the wheel spins, a plastic or wooden object clicks between the pegs on the edge of the wheel, eventually preventing its movement. In this case, the stopper may refer to the stopping process of the wheel or to the plastic device used to stop the wheel from moving.
Depending on the application, this device can be used in various ways. It can be attached to an object placed near a wheel or spindle and used to stop the movement of the wheel. It can also be inserted into a wheel or other round object, where it can be used to secure the wheel to another nearby device. In some cases, a stop installed on two connected wheels can be used to help both wheels rotate at the same time or at the same speed.
Shutdown-based devices can be found in manufacturing and industry, as well as many household applications. Most vehicles and engines rely on detents to function, and cars often include some form of this device in the gearbox. This device keeps the car parked and prevents it from shifting into gear when not in use. In this type of application, a special metal plate fits around the latch to help control its movement.
This is similar to how the standard ratchet works. When the key is turned, the stop slides into a groove inside the tool. This creates the traditional clicking noise that is commonly associated with these keys.
Many standard appliances also rely on this type of operation. For example, a radio or stove dial that turns on and off includes at least one detent. Additional units can be included to allow users to increase the volume or heat level by turning the knob to a specific point. The standard home door handle also includes a detent pin to allow users to remove the knob or change the lock.
This device may rely on spring force or positive latch to hold the rotating object in place or stop its motion. A detent pin locks the object in place using spring force, while a ball catch provides a more permanent and secure hold. Ball models are often used as fasteners, while pin units allow for easy removal as needed.