Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand, is an advanced yoga pose that benefits the whole body by stretching and strengthening different parts, stimulating organs, and relieving stress. It is practiced from the corpse pose, and the body is raised until it is perpendicular to the floor, supported by the shoulders. Regular practice can improve circulation, digestion, and relieve various conditions. It should be practiced under the supervision of an experienced yoga practitioner.
A sarvangasana is an inverted yoga pose and is also known as a shoulder stand, particularly used in hatha yoga to balance the body after performing backbends. The Sanskrit word “sarvanga” means “whole body,” while “asana” refers to a yogic pose. This is a pose that can benefit the entire body, which is why it is also known as the queen or mother of yoga poses. The benefits of Sarvangasana include stretching and strengthening different parts of the body, stimulating different organs, and relieving stress and tiredness. As an advanced pose, sarvangasana should always be practiced under the supervision of an experienced yoga practitioner.
The starting position for sarvangasana is corpse pose, or savasana, in which the body lies flat on the floor. The palms of the hands are flat on the floor with the arms straight and close to the body. As you exhale, the legs are slowly raised until they finally reach the head. The toes really touch the floor behind the head, while the legs are kept straight and together. During another exhalation, the legs straighten so that they point directly toward the ceiling, 90 degrees to the floor, while the buttocks are raised.
A yoga practitioner perfects the position by using the hands to support the back while straightening the length of the body until it is perpendicular to the floor. The elbows remain on the ground in line with the shoulders. The body should be fully supported by the shoulders, not the back, as the upper arms and shoulders push into the floor for added support. While balancing and trying to hold the position as long as possible, a person breathes normally through the nostrils. To exit sarvangasana, the legs slowly drop toward the floor and the body relaxes into a lying corpse pose, or savasana, still.
The effects of sarvangasana can benefit the mind and the entire body. In addition to stretching and relieving tension in the shoulders and neck, this pose also strengthens the lungs, lower back, legs, and buttocks. The practice of Sarvangasana rejuvenates by improving blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, especially to the heart and brain, leading to better focus and concentration. Practicing sarvangasana regularly is said to contribute to general health by improving digestion, regulating the hormonal and nervous system, reducing fatigue, and relieving stress. This pose can also alleviate other conditions, including asthma, anemia, and sinusitis, and can help with infertility, back pain, varicose veins, and menopause.