A home loan is a secured loan where the purchased item serves as collateral until the loan is paid off. It is commonly used in countries influenced by English law and can be used for commercial vehicles, equipment, and mobile homes. A chattel loan is a type of secured loan where the collateral is the purchased item. The laws regarding securities loans vary by country and can be used to purchase personal assets.
Also known as a mortgage loan or mortgage loan, a home loan is a loan agreement in which the lender makes a loan to a borrower to purchase property that is not considered fixed real estate. In return, the purchased items are held as collateral for the duration of the loan. Once the loan has been paid in full, the lender releases any claim to the property and the owner is free to use the holdings in any way he wishes.
The concept of home loan is common in many countries of the world where the legal system is heavily influenced by English law. For example, many businesses in Australia are taking advantage of this lending concept, using the device to manage the purchase of commercial vehicles, company cars and various types of equipment needed for the ongoing operation of the business. This approach allows you to still get secured financing and the lower interest rate that sometimes comes with a secured loan, avoiding the need to pledge other business assets.
Another application of a home loan is to secure the financing of a mobile home. Instead of using the land where the mobile home will reside as collateral, the mobile home itself serves as collateral for the loan. This can be especially important if the buyer does not own any other assets that are considered acceptable collateral, and can make the task of securing affordable housing much easier.
Broadly speaking, a chattel loan is considered a secured type of loan. The difference between this approach and other forms of secured transactions has to do with what asset is held as collateral. If the collateral is the item that is purchased with the loan proceeds, then it can properly be considered a securities loan. If the asset held as collateral is another asset owned by the borrower, it is still a secured loan, but does not meet the criteria for a securities loan.
The laws relating to how a securities loan can be structured and what types of assets can be purchased and held as collateral under this type of loan option vary from one country to another. This method can be used to acquire personal assets such as jewelry that have a certain market value or similar assets that are likely to hold their value for the duration of the loan period. In determining what type of purchases can be made using a home loan, it is often helpful to determine what is considered movable property in the local area.