Self-antonyms, also known as counternyms, are words with two opposite meanings represented by a homograph. They can be identified through subtle nuances in rhetorical context and can have the same part of speech or be different parts of speech. Some self-antonyms have become intertwined over time, while others are simply versatile in commonly used language. They illustrate how language is dynamic and changes over time.
A self-antonym is a word that has two opposite meanings. Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of each other. In a self-antonym situation, a single word has multiple meanings that are opposites. This type of word can also be called a counternym.
Although self-antonyms are identified through specific criteria, there is a surprisingly wide range of words that can be used in different contexts for directly opposite meanings. To be a self-antonym, the two opposite meanings of the word must be represented by a homograph, meaning that the word has the same spelling for both meanings. In general, opposing meanings for self-antonyms are created through subtle nuances in rhetorical context, which change the meaning from one pole opposite to another.
An example of a common self-antonym is a word that can be used to mean two opposite things when presented as two different parts of speech. For example, a word like “boneless” can mean that a meat contains bones or that it has been processed to remove the bones. Here, the first meaning requires the word “boneless” to act as a conditional adjective in the sentence, where in the opposite second meaning, the adjective is related to a past tense verb form, where a more technical synonym would be “boneless”. .”
In other self-antonyms, the word has two different meanings with the same part of speech represented. An example is “time”. If someone says “the house weathered the storm well,” the meaning is positive, where an applicable synonym would be “endured.” If, on the other hand, someone says that “the house has stood the test of time,” the meaning is usually negative, where the speaker is referring to a weathered or worn condition that is evident. Although in both of these cases, the use of the word “time” is associated with a verb, in the second case, many speakers may associate it more closely with a passive voice, where speakers may say that “the house has been altered”, give them elements, not “the house resisted”, which would imply that the house took an active part in its own decomposition process.
A word can become a self-antonym in various ways. Some self-antonymous words have progressively become intertwined, where two original words came from two different linguistic sources. Some words are simply seen as versatile in a commonly used language or in the agreed usage of a language by native speakers. Self-antonyms are just one example of how language is dynamic and changes over time. A closer look at a list of self-antonyms can help illustrate how these words are designated by opposite double meanings.