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What’s a Series I bonus?


Series I Bonus is a certificate that generates interest from the US government and protects against inflation. It has a fixed and variable interest rate, and can be redeemed after 12 months but before 30 years. It is guaranteed to never lose its value due to a 0% interest rate. It can be bought in denominations from $50 to $5,000 and is subject to federal and state taxes.

A Series I Bonus is a type of certificate that generates interest from the government of the United States and is designed to protect the owner against inflation. A Series I bonus sells at its nominal value, and must be interested until its vending fee, a predetermined fee in which the bonus may generate interest and can be changed for the original price, plus any interest that has accumulated since then. I bought. For the bonos de la Serie I, this fecha is 30 años after your fecha de compra. A good from the series I can also be redeemed before it reaches the twenty-five month, but it must have transcurrido at least 12 months after it was bought, and the owner will lose a certain amount of accumulated interest in the good canjear the good in the first five years. Even if they have transcurrido five years since the gift was bought, it can be changed by the total world of the purchase, more than all the interests that have accumulated hasta that moment.

The interest that the Serie I bonuses develop is a combination of two different interest fees: the fixed fee and the inflation fee, or variable fee. La tasa fija se llama así porque permanece igual dura la vida del bono. If a new fee is announced each May 1st and November 1st, and it is applied in perpetuity to all the bonos I emitidos during the six month period that begins with the announcement fee. For example, if it announces that the fixed fee will be 0.5% on May 1, any Serie I bonus purchased between May 1 and November 1 will always tend to have a fixed fee of 0.5%, regardless from where the fixed fee changes on November 1st of this year

The inflation tax is also announced each May 1 and November 1. Without embargo, this fee applies to all the goodies of Serie I for six months, regardless of the purchase price. The sum of these two fees determines the fee charged for the Series I bonus, or the total interest you are earning. The inflation fee changes every six months, so that the interest fee paid for a Series I bonus will also change every six months, although the fixed fee is the same.

An attractive feature of the Serie I bonus is that it is guaranteed that it will never lose its value due to a loss of 0% interest. If the economy suffers a deflation period and the variable tax falls due to a 0% deficit in a specific six-month period, the negative value will remain of the fixed tax of the bono for this period, but there will never be a cost interest fee caiga por debajo del 0%. For example, if the fixed fee of a voucher is 0.5% and the inflation fee for a given period is less than -1%, the interest rate of the voucher for this period will be 0%, not less than 0.5%. In other words, depending on the actual inflation rate, the bonos may be able to generate interest during some periods, but they will never diminish their value.

Serie I bonuses can be bought in denominations from $50 US dollar (USD) up to $5,000 US dollar, and any citizen of the US state with a secure social security number is eligible to buy them. They may be owned by individuals, corporations, organizations and trustees, and may even be acquired by minors in education. Los intereses devengados de los bonos de la Serie I are subject to the federal tax on rent, as well as other special federal and state taxes. The tax on the rent of the bonos de la Serie I can differ until they can play or until they play at twenty.

Active smart.
