What’s a slumlord?

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A slumlord owns poorly maintained rental properties in urban areas, often charging high prices to those who cannot afford better living conditions. They may neglect repairs and allow overcrowding and infestations. Slum properties are prevalent in poverty-stricken areas and college towns. Tenants may fear reporting poor conditions and may include illegal immigrants.

A slumlord is typically defined by several key factors, none of which cast him in a favorable or ethical light. The average slum owner owns one or more homes, apartments, apartment complexes, or duplexes that are in a state of horrific disrepair. These lodgings are rented or rented out by the innkeeper to those who cannot afford a house that meets minimum livability standards, usually at exorbitant prices. Often, the slumlord places no restrictions on the number of people living in one of his rental properties and does little or nothing to fix problems that might occur with electricity, plumbing, sewage, breakdowns, etc. structural or parasitic infestation.

Simply as a matter of statistics – the more people there are in a given area, the greater the opportunity to rent – ​​most slum owners own properties in large urban centres. The dilapidated apartment building is the hallmark of the slumlord and includes places where basics like heat and water are considered a luxury. Also, buildings owned by slum owners tend to be dirty. A person knows he lives in a slum if he feels the need to wipe his feet after leaving the building.

The largest number of slum properties are found in blighted and poverty-stricken regions and in urban centers that have fallen into decay. Conditions rarely improve for the residents of these slum properties, as there is a prevailing fear that reporting a slum lord to city officials will result in evictions, harassment and no improvement in living conditions. It’s a case of a kind of roof over one’s head that is seen as better than no roof at all. Slumlords often rent out their apartments and dilapidated houses to illegal aliens. They know these renters will not report despicable conditions, as such would put them at risk of identification, incarceration and possible deportation.

Slum properties, however, are not only found in cities. They are often a staple in college towns, where slum landlords rent to students on extremely tight budgets. While the living environment is still unacceptable, students often tolerate their sub-standard residences knowing that they are experiencing a short-term scenario. This is in contrast to slum dwellers in big cities, who may be forced to reside in atrocious conditions for their entire lives.

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