Sootblowers remove soot and ash from furnaces, improving efficiency and reducing fire hazards. They can be set to run on a timer or manually triggered. Acoustic cleaners are an alternative. Face shields and filtration systems are recommended for safety.
A sootblower is a device designed to clear soot and ash from the walls of a furnace or similar equipment. Sootblowers operate at set intervals, with a cleaning cycle that can vary in length, depending on the device and the size of equipment being cleaned. Replacement sootblowers that can be used to upgrade a boiler with a failed sootblower can be obtained through companies that sell heating and cooling supplies.
No matter what a boiler burns, it will generate a certain amount of gas, ash, soot and other combustion by-products. Some boilers tend to produce this buildup at a faster rate, either due to the fuels they use or because they are not operating efficiently. Over time, the material builds up inside the boiler, where it poses two distinct problems.
The first problem is that the soot acts as a thermal insulator, limiting the heat exchange. This makes the boiler less efficient, because it relies on heat exchange to operate, and therefore, over time, will produce less heat and require more energy. The second is that soot is a fire hazard. Inside the boiler, conditions heat up and the soot can ignite, damaging the boiler or spreading to the surrounding area and putting the whole structure at risk.
The solution is a soot blower, which directs a blast of air or steam at the soot to blow it away. If the device is equipped with a filter, it traps the material when it is expelled, otherwise it is dispersed into the environment around the boiler. The sootblower can be set to run on a timer or whenever it is manually triggered. The frequency of operation varies according to the size of the boiler.
As an alternative to the soot blower, some boilers use acoustic cleaners, also known as sonic horns. These generate a loud bang at frequent intervals which has the purpose of preventing the accumulation of particles inside the boiler. Acoustic cleaners are less prone to breakdowns than a sootblower because they have fewer parts and can increase efficiency by ensuring your boiler is always running in efficient condition.
When a sootblower is in operation, it is advisable to wear a face shield. The soot ejected from the boiler is not pleasant to inhale and it can be difficult to breathe with the particulate matter in the air. For air quality reasons, many companies recommend using filtration systems with sootblowers to trap particles for safe disposal.