What’s a sound deflector?

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Sound baffles reduce noise pollution and improve acoustics. Engineers use computer models to design them, and they are used in many settings, including highways, studios, and performance venues. They can also improve sound quality and reduce noise from outside.

A sound baffle is a device designed to muffle or at least significantly reduce noise. Most people are familiar with some form of noise baffle, because it is an important part of reducing noise pollution in daily life. One of the most visible forms a noise deflector takes is along highways, where large walls are built to reduce the spread of traffic noise into surrounding areas. Sound absorbing material is also used to soundproof studios, reduce noise from neighboring apartments with shared walls, and improve acoustics in concert halls.

In the 1970s, engineers began designing computer models of acoustic situations such as show venues and highways. They could see that making subtle manipulations in the angle of construction and the materials used could have a profound impact on how noise traveled, and sound baffles began to be implemented in major engineering projects. The basic knowledge of acoustics has been around for centuries, but these engineers were able to accurately predict and model it, allowing for a better quality of life. Today, engineers continue to refine the acoustic baffle design.

In large parts of the world, noise pollution is a serious problem, thanks to the large number of motor vehicles, manufacturing centers and other sources of noise. Excessive noise pollution can lead to hearing problems, circulatory problems, trouble sleeping, irritability and other problems. For this reason, many homes are built with ambient noise in mind and incorporate soundproofing measures such as thick walls, windows that don’t address large noise sources, and landscaping that helps deflect sound. This helps control noise at one end of the spectrum; a sound baffle strategically placed at the source of the noise can also significantly reduce noise pollution.

When used to reduce the amount of noise or reverberation, an acoustic panel is usually made of thick, absorbent material. The material does not allow sound waves to penetrate it easily and also prevents the waves from bouncing back to their source. Acoustic baffles following this design are often installed in offices to reduce the sound of voices and humming equipment, as well as in schools and other public buildings that house large numbers of people.

An acoustic baffle can also be used to improve the quality of the acoustics. In addition to preventing reverberation, well-placed sound baffles can dramatically improve sound quality in a performance space. Most large performance spaces have reconfigurable sound baffles, allowing them to customize the environment based on the performance. Installing acoustic baffles also helps reduce noise from outside the venue, which could disturb a performance. In performance venues, acoustic-absorbing baffles are paired with baffles designed to deflect or reflect sound back to the audience, enhancing the acoustics of the performance.

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