Source® game servers allow multiplayer games online. They can be installed on a personal computer or rented from game service providers. There are two types: dedicated servers and listener servers, which require the game to be purchased and fully installed. The server is authoritative in high lag situations.
Source® game servers are the means by which people are able to play certain multiplayer games online. Any game based on the Sourge® engine and capable of playing online uses this type of server. A Source® game server can be installed on a personal computer that uses a normal Internet connection, although game service providers (GSPs) usually rent them. These servers can be installed manually, although you can also use a free program known as the Half-Life Dedicated Server Update Tool (HLDS) to download, update, and configure the necessary files. Using this tool, you can create a Source® game server without having to own the game in question.
First introduced in 2004, the Source® game server uses a fairly standard client-server foundation for online gaming. In this type of relationship, the server computer is responsible for calculating all the various relationships between objects in the game. Client computers connect to the server, which processes its inputs and then returns the results. In the event of a discrepancy between the server’s version of the game world and the version contained in a client, the server is considered authoritative. This can lead to discrepancies in high lag situations, such as poor hit detection.
There are two different types of Source® game servers, differentiated according to the type of installation. A dedicated Source® game server is the version that can be rented from GSPs, although it is also possible to do such an installation on a personal machine. Dedicated servers operate independently of any client and can remain operational whether or not anyone is connected. This type of server can usually be created even without owning the game in question. The HLDS Update Tool can be used to obtain server files for a range of Source®, GoldSrc and third party games.
The other type of Source® game server is referred to as a listener server. In order to run this type of Source® game server, the game in question must be purchased and fully installed as the necessary option is usually contained within the menu. These servers are operated in conjunction with a client version of the game so that one player serves as both host and client. Other clients can then connect to the server and play normally. If the host stops playing, the listening server ceases to exist and the game ends.