Special interest groups are formed by people with shared beliefs or goals, and seek to make changes that benefit their constituency. They often use money and political influence to achieve their goals, and can range from small local groups to large national organizations. Political donations and endorsements are common methods of influence.
A special interest group is made up of people united by a shared belief or desire. These groups can vary in size, but are often quite large and usually work to make changes that will benefit their constituency. Often this type of group seeks to bring about change by influencing political processes and is often called a lobbying or advocacy group. These groups often use money and/or sponsorship to try to influence politicians to pass legislation.
People with common concerns and goals can form a special interest group. When groups are brought together by these shared interests, they often seek to make changes that help them achieve agreed upon goals. This can be on a small local scale, such as a “friends of the library” group raising money for new books. It may also have a much broader national focus, such as the group known as “Reading is Fundamental,” which is the largest non-profit organization in the United States with a shared interest in promoting children’s literacy. There are other groups that are based on a variety of common interests including animal welfare, environmental conservation, education reform, and equal rights.
Particularly when a large special interest group is involved, one of the ways to effect change is to influence the political process. Groups like the National Rifle Association, which advocates for gun owners’ rights, or the Sierra Club, which campaigns for environmental issues, often have thousands of members. These members are often able to exert great influence and generate large donations to support various organizational initiatives and programs. They will also often use this power to try to influence legislation that affects their interests or to help elect politicians who share their views.
One of the ways a special interest group can influence the political process is with money. These groups usually have substantial funds at their disposal and are able to make large political contributions. Often the unspoken price for these funds is a politician’s loyalty; when legislation affecting these groups is introduced, recipients of donations should remember their supporters. Due to concerns about a potential abuse of power, reforms have been passed in the United States that limit the size of donations that can be made to individual politicians.
Another way a special interest group can influence policy is through individual political approval at election time. Endorsements can influence voters when they go to vote and also provide “free” publicity for a candidate. Politicians, in turn, are often required to assist the group in achieving its goals in exchange for this support.