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What’s a stack reg?


A stack register is a memory location that holds the current address of the top of a computer’s stack. It allows for efficient tracking of a program’s execution and enables recursion. A stack overflow can occur if the stack fills up.

In relation to computers, a stack register is a location in memory, usually on the central processing unit (CPU) or related processing hardware, that holds the current address of the top of a separate memory region of the computer known as stacks. The stack register is important because, without it, a computer would have to implement a slower and more error-prone method of tracking the flow of a program’s execution. In most system architectures, the stack register is a dedicated register, so it cannot be accessed accidentally when working with other memory registers. More rarely, a stack register can be a general register that is usually accessible by a program but intentionally not used because its use is defined by the manufacturer. When a computer system contains two or more stack registers, meaning there is potentially more than one stack, the architecture is known as a stack machine.

At the lowest level of computer programming, a stack is an area of ​​memory, usually in random access memory (RAM), that has a well-defined type of behavior. The stack can have information added in a process called pushing, or it can have information fetched from it, which is called popping. The model for a stack is first-in, last-out, which means that if more information is pushed onto the stack, the first item pushed will be the last to be popped, while the last item pushed will be the first to be retrieved with a pop command. A stack register keeps track of the top of the stack, which is always the last item pushed.

When a computer program is running, each executing instruction has a specific memory address where it is stored temporarily for the duration of the program. If a program calls a subroutine — or a procedure, function, or method, depending on the programming language — then the program must jump to the memory location of the subroutine’s code to execute it. The address where program control flow stops to branch to the subroutine is pushed onto the stack so that it is remembered. When the subroutine has finished executing, the program knows where it should go back in the main code by jumping the address of the code off the top of the stack, where the stack register points.

While there are other methods that can be used to achieve the same results, using a stack and stack register allows for an important programming concept known as recursion. A recursive function is a function that, within its own code, calls itself. This process is commonly used in sorting algorithms and for some mathematical functions. The stack register keeps track of all the last addresses where execution branched, so a function can safely implement recursion with the knowledge that, eventually, control will return to its point of origin. A complication occurs if the entire stack fills up and there is no room left in memory, in which case a stack overflow occurs, halting program execution.
