What’s a startup?

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Start-up companies are new businesses with no track record or established customer base, often associated with technology-based products. Investors assess the business plan, product potential, and leadership before deciding to invest. There is no consensus on when a start-up ceases to be one.

A start-up company is a new business organization that has recently begun operations and has not yet built up any measurable degree of track record or volume of business that allows comparison over multiple time periods. Businesses that are considered startups are often viewed as high-risk ventures as they have no track record of success and, in fact, may still be struggling to build a customer base and start generating some sort of revenue. Investors often look closely at the nature of the products offered by a start-up, the experience of the owners and the operation’s business plan before making a decision about whether or not to invest in the business and how much they are willing to risk.

There is some difference of opinion about how long these newly launched companies should be in operation before they cease to be considered startups. One school of thought holds that a company is no longer a start-up once it reaches a point of generating enough revenue to cover its day-to-day operating costs. Others maintain that the defining issue is not revenue generation but a matter of time, considering any company that is not at least two years old as a startup. The exact criteria for determining whether a relatively new business is a start-up or not can vary based on standards set in different industries or even different countries.

While a new business of any type may appropriately be called a start-up, the term is often closely associated with companies that have some connection to the development and delivery of technology-based products. Sometimes known as high-tech start-ups, this includes companies that develop hardware or software packages or offer some type of service and support for different types of technological equipment. For example, a software start-up might specialize in packaged software for use in a commercial or office environment, and also offer technical support for installing, customizing, and updating the software after purchase is complete.

Angel investors, venture capitalists and other types of investors may consider providing investment funds to launch a start-up company. To attract investors, entrepreneurs usually identify a type of product that is likely to generate great interest among consumers, create a viable business and marketing plan that includes establishing the business, manufacturing the product, and a solid idea of ​​how to connect with the market. general public to generate sales. This information is sent to potential investors who can assess the soundness of the business plan, the potential of the product offering and the viability of the marketing plan before making a decision on whether or not to invest. Some investors will also look closely at the entrepreneur’s track record in terms of past successes in the business world and the ability to effectively lead the new startup company. When the overall business plan and leadership inspire confidence in investors, there is a good chance that the business will be funded and the company may have an opportunity to find a place in the market.

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