Term loans are monetary loans paid in regular payments over a set period of time, usually lasting between one and ten years. They are often used for small business loans and can be made on an individual basis. It is important to consider the interest rate, whether it is fixed or variable, and whether the loan uses compound interest. Some lenders offer a variety of payment plans.
A term loan is a monetary loan that is paid in regular payments over a set period of time. Term loans generally last between one and ten years, but in some cases they can last up to 30 years. A term loan usually involves a non-fixed interest rate that will add an additional balance to pay.
Term loans can be made on an individual basis, but are often used for small business loans. The ability to pay over a long period of time is attractive to new or expanding businesses, since it is assumed that their profits will increase over time. Term loans are a good way to quickly raise capital to increase a company’s supply capabilities or range. For example, some new companies may use a term loan to purchase company vehicles or rent more space for their operations.
Some student loans are essentially term loans. In the United States, the Stafford loan is often offered to college students as a means to pay for tuition and living expenses. This loan is unique in several ways and can be very beneficial for students. Part of the loan may be subsidized so interest does not accrue while the student is in school. Students also typically receive a six-month grace period after graduation before payments begin.
One thing to consider when getting a term loan is whether the interest rate is fixed or variable. A fixed interest rate means that the interest rate will never increase, regardless of the financial market. Low interest periods are often a great time to apply for a fixed rate loan. Variable interest rates will fluctuate with the market, which can be good or bad for you depending on what happens with the global and national economy. Since some term loans last 10 years, betting that the rate will stay consistently low is a real risk.
Also consider whether the term loan you’re looking for uses compound interest. If you do so, the amount of interest will be added periodically to the principal amount borrowed, which means that the interest continues to increase as the term lasts. If the loan uses compound interest, check to see if there are any penalties for repaying the loan early. If you hit a windfall or your earnings skyrocket, you may be able to pay off your balance in full before it’s due, saving you from paying extra interest while waiting out the loan term.
Some lenders offer a variety of payment plans for your term loan. You can generally choose to pay off your debt in even amounts, or the amount you pay will gradually increase over the life of the loan. If you expect to be able to pay more financially in the future, choosing a gradual increase can help you and save you interest. If you’re unsure of your future monetary position, even the payments can help prevent loan default if things go wrong.
Choosing a term loan may be in your best interest, depending on your circumstances. Beware of extremely long repayment periods, as generally speaking, the longer the term, the more you will owe because interest accumulates over a long period of time. For more information, contact a financial advisor or talk to your bank about the loan options they offer.
Smart Asset.