Termite shields are barriers made of metal that prevent termites from entering a building’s foundation and flooring. They are installed during construction or renovation and can be inspected and replaced. Other steps to repel termites include regular inspections and keeping trees and shrubs cleared. It is important to confirm a termite shield is installed and functioning properly before purchasing a property.
A termite shield is a barrier installed in a home’s foundation designed to keep termites from getting through the foundation and floor. Termite barriers can be installed during construction or renovation, and inspection and replacement of such barriers can be a routine part of maintaining a facility. Many home improvement and hardware stores carry termite barriers and can order specific brands, sizes and styles at the request of customers or contractors who have accounts with the store.
Termite shields are made from metal such as galvanized iron or copper. Metals that are not as easily corroded are usually chosen so that they will last for the life of the structure, ideally without needing to be replaced. Thermite shield is used to create a barrier between the wooden elements of the foundation and flooring and elements such as slabs, perimeters and piers used to support them.
When termites encounter a termite shield, they are forced along the barrier as they search for the edge. This forces them into the light. Since termites dislike light, they will usually seek out easier food sources than the wood above the barrier. They also cannot dig through the barrier or create tunnels that allow them to bypass it. This keeps termites away from wooden foundation elements and, in turn, away from cornices, joists, and other wooden parts of a structure.
Of course, a foundation termite shield can’t keep all termites out. It’s also important to take other steps to repel termites. These can include regular inspections to make sure there is no contact between wood and earth, as could happen, for example, if dirt accumulated near a bridge, allowing termites to cross from the bridge onto the wooden parts of the building. Likewise, it is important to keep trees and shrubs cleared as they can also be used as cover from insects that could damage or destroy the wood.
When inspecting a prospective property for purchase, it is advisable to confirm that a termite shield has been installed and is functioning properly. This can be done during a termite inspection where the structure is examined for signs of infestation. If termites are present, it may be grounds to terminate a contract, request a price reduction, or request that the situation be remedied before ownership changes hands.