Title companies examine property titles and deeds, often working with real estate agencies to establish the legality of claims and clear the way for sales. They investigate ownership claims, ensure no liens, and provide insurance during the sales process.
Title companies are business entities that focus on examining the quality of titles or deeds associated with properties. In many cases, the title company will also function as a means of securing the property during the sales process. While the title company typically works closely with the current owner of the property, it is not unusual for the company to work directly with real estate agencies and professionals to establish the legality of title claims and thereby clear the way. for a sale.
When conducting an investigation of a given property, the title company first investigates the ownership claim associated with the property. This includes reviewing the current title or deed to ensure there are no flaws or questionable factors in the actual construction of the documentation. Once title ownership is established, the company takes steps to ensure that there are no current liens on the property other than those already recognized by the owner. Failure to discover this type of information can jeopardize the sale and possibly invalidate a title claim.
When irregularities are discovered as part of the investigation, the title company will often work with the current owner or selling entity to resolve the issues. Doing so helps pave the way for easy progression in the sales process. The company remains involved throughout the closing process, often overseeing the funds transfers that complete the sale.
Once the title company has fully established the validity of the title and identified any liens against the property, it is not unusual for the company to provide what is known as a binder of title. The title binder is simply insurance that provides protection for the property during the period that it is for sale and through the closing process once an offer has been made. The insurance offered by the company is temporary in nature and will only be in effect until the closing is complete and a new title is issued to the new owners.
Smart Asset.