Transport analysts design and manage transport systems, including supply chain management, intermodal transportation systems, and public transportation. They ensure smooth and reliable transportation, develop backup plans, and reduce traffic congestion. They may also be responsible for tracking goods in transit and using geographic information systems.
A transport analyst studies, designs or manages transport system solutions. This career field may also involve managing supply lines through which materials and products are shipped using a variety of shipping methods. Transportation analysts working in supply chain management are expected to be familiar with shipping regulations and customs that affect the transportation of goods. Sometimes called a transportation logistics manager, those who fulfill this capacity may also work with IT professionals, engineers, or transportation companies to oversee intermodal transportation systems. The analyst may also plan or manage the transportation infrastructure that serves the public.
Transport systems consist of chains, which move goods or people, and the connections that make up these chains are often complex integrations of multiple transport modes. For example, a consumer good can be shipped thousands of miles or kilometers. During this journey, shipping modes may include a combination of trucking, air, and rail. The transportation analyst is generally responsible for ensuring that all parts of this process function smoothly, timely, and reliably. Because mechanical breakdowns, weather conditions, or even political conflicts can cause a disruption in a supply chain, the analyst will usually be tasked with developing backup plans for a transportation system.
At times, transportation analyst roles may involve working with public transportation systems. If this is the case, the analyst’s task usually involves designing modes of transport that are safe, reliable and attractive to passengers. These systems are often intermodal, as a traveler can head to a train station, then travel by train from one city to another, and finally use a subway to complete the journey. The analyst is expected to develop strategies that keep the system running. Assessing ridership and matching it with proper scheduling of subway arrivals and departures, for example, would be a typical task for a transportation analyst in a large metropolitan area.
The analyst can take the traffic data and use it to create an efficient and seamless mesh of these different transport modes. Security planning can be another responsibility of a transportation analyst. Their roles may include developing and marking evacuation routes or ensuring that infrastructure remains capable of handling loads safely. Some transportation analysts focus on developing strategies to reduce traffic congestion. This could include re-scheduling traffic lights so that backups during daily trips do not occur and traffic moves at a smoother flow.
If a transportation analyst is responsible for keeping an operational supply chain, their other roles may require in-depth knowledge of shipping customs. He or she may also be responsible for tracking goods in transit. Familiarity with geographic information systems (GIS) can be highly valued in supply chain management, as the movement of goods is sometimes tracked using global positioning systems.