A trench compactor is a heavy machine used to compact soil in narrow trenches. It can be remote-controlled and has steel wheels for compressing the ground. A vibratory plate compactor is another option for compacting soil or concrete.
A trench compactor is a heavy piece of machinery used to compact soil in trenches or other confined spaces. This machine is most often remote controlled to avoid a human worker having to enter a trench to operate it, although some models of trench compactor are fitted with a yoke which allows foot operated operation. The machine is usually equipped with steel wheels capable of compressing the ground, as well as a heavy body inside which the diesel or gas engine is mounted. The body is generally narrow enough to accommodate use in narrow trenches.
Trenches are often dug for the installation of pipes and power lines into the ground. This means that trenches will generally be quite narrow, depending on the size of the pipes, therefore making a narrow trench compactor necessary. Once the trench has been excavated using a trencher, it may be necessary to compact the inside of the trench to ensure that the bottom of the trench does not collapse or jerk under the load of the installed pipe and the soil will eventually be filled back into the trench to cover the tube. The trench compactor can be placed inside the trench and a remote control can be used to push the device forward. Sometimes an umbilical is run from the machine to a manual control instead of using a remote control system.
Once the trench has been filled with soil, that earth will also need to be compacted. The trench compactor can be passed over the buried trench to push the soil down for proper compaction; The narrow body of the trench compactor is useful in this application because it compacts the new soil and is not held in by the older soil on either side of the trench that has already been compacted over time.
Another type of pit compactor is the vibratory plate compactor. Instead of using steel wheels to perform the compaction, this device will feature a smooth plate mounted to the bottom of the machine. When activated, this plate will vibrate at high speed, thus propelling the machine forward as it compacts the soil with vibration. This type of compactor is also useful for compacting concrete. The type of compactor used will depend on the intended application and the preferences of the construction workers performing the compaction process. Vibratory plate compactors usually require an operator to walk behind the machine during use.