A USB motion detector is a device that connects to a computer and detects motion. It can be used for home surveillance, presentation aids, and safety features. The device is user-friendly and can be configured for various purposes.
A USB motion detector is a device connected to a computer that can detect motion within a certain range. These devices operate via Universal Serial Bus or USB connectivity. They plug into rectangular ports on the sides and back of newer desktop and laptop computers. A USB motion detector helps a computer user configure their machine to perform multiple tasks related to a physical environment.
Typically, a USB motion detector uses modules of code to organize specific functions related to computer activities that are triggered by physical movement in the target space. Motion detectors have been used classically in a home security system or a motion detector in the driveway. Now a home computer can be programmed to help with home surveillance.
The availability of motion-sensing USB devices helps foster more diverse uses for a computer or laptop. In the past, personal computers have been largely limited to performing tasks based on electronics and a “virtual” environment, often centered around the Internet. Computers have great potential to respond to all kinds of physical conditions in their environments, including temperature, motion, voice command, and any other kind of stimulus. With devices like a USB motion detector, companies can begin to help computer owners do more “hands-on” types of programming that broaden the range of uses for their computer.
Buyers of a USB motion detector can configure it to operate in specific ways for various purposes. As a presentation aid, the user can configure the USB device so that every time he waves his hand in front of it, the computer jumps to a new PowerPoint slide or web page. Some buyers can set the USB motion detector to change the computer screen whenever their boss (or anyone else) walks by. As a safety feature, users with the right software can set up their USB device to remotely alert them on a smartphone when someone walks past the device (and their computer).
A USB motion detector usually doesn’t take up much space. It has no complicated physical characteristics. It’s typically just a box with a protected internal sensor, and most of the setup involves USB connection and use, not physical device assembly or tuning. Electronics companies are focusing on creating user-friendly motion-sensing devices that a wide range of people can easily use to make their home networks respond to a physical stimulus.