The UV index measures the strength of UV radiation from the sun and is part of daily weather forecasts. Too much exposure can cause skin and eye damage, and protection is recommended. Computer models predict UV levels, and a higher score indicates a higher risk of damage. Sunscreens and sunglasses provide protection, and air pollution and other factors affect UV strength.
A UV rating or index is the universally accepted standard measure of the strength of ultraviolet (UV) radiation produced by the sun. Based on specific times and particular geographic locations, the UV index is now part of most daily weather forecasts. The forecasts provide basic data on local UV ratings for interpretation by the general public.
Too much UV exposure can cause many problems for humans. These include cataracts, accelerated skin aging, skin cancer and sunburn. Doctors and public health groups strongly recommend that people protect themselves from harmful UV rays by wearing hats and using sunscreen.
A computer model is normally used to predict UV rating levels, as it is more practical than measuring levels at specific geographic locations. These predictions may not be entirely accurate, but they are close enough to authentic readings to meet the measurement standards of scientists and government agencies. Computer models are also commonly used to predict other weather conditions.
The UV index is simple to interpret. The higher the score on the open linear scale, the higher the risk of some type of skin or eye damage. Zero represents the UV index at night. A score of ten is normally indicative of midday sun on a cloudless day; ratings of 11 and above are generally found in southern hemisphere geographic areas where the ozone layer is depleted.
The UV Index’s built-in point system means that a score of zero to two indicates minimal midday exposure. A score of three to four at the same time is considered low, a score of five to six is considered moderate, and seven to nine is considered risky. If the UV rating exceeds nine, people are strongly advised to stay indoors. Countries that regularly experience high levels of UV around midday often incorporate breaks or siestas into their working days to protect workers from dangerous UV exposure.
In addition to the information in the forecasts, UV protection ratings on sunscreens are provided so consumers can choose the right strength based on their skin type, UV ratings for their geographic area, and estimated time in the sun . The UV ratings on sunglasses labels also help users purchase styles and brands that adequately protect their eyes from UV damage.
Air pollution reduces the amount of UV rays passing through the atmosphere. Other factors such as altitude, distance from the equator, and latitude also affect the strength of the UV rating. The natural melanin content of darker skinned people provides natural protection from UV rays.