VGA is a standard for color resolution in video display hardware. A VGA chipset is a display hardware with one or more VGA connectors. VGA technology connects most computer monitors to video cards. A video card configures a computer to display graphics. VGA rules provide manufacturers with specifications for VGA hardware connectors. Adapters can be used to make VGA compatible with other input types.
In computers, the video graphics array (VGA) is a standard set of specifications used for color resolution in video display hardware. A VGA chipset is a display piece of hardware that has one or more VGA connectors, using the VGA specification. VGA technology connects most computer monitors to many video cards, as standard video cards have VGA capabilities. This type of connector is usually easy to identify by its appearance. A VGA connector has 15 connection points known as pins arranged in three rows, and the female connector is usually blue.
Although many computer users use the term “chipset” to refer to a complete device such as a VGA-enabled video card, a chipset is technically just one part of a hardware device, usually one that contains two or more chips. A VGA chipset is a VGA-compatible chip card, typically with two or more chips making up the chipset assembly. When in use, a VGA chipset is either installed inside a computer or contained within an external VGA device. Connecting a monitor or video device to a VGA chipset requires a VGA cable, which is sometimes included with or attached to a computer monitor.
A video card is the hardware in a computer that configures it to display graphics, such as the picture in the monitor. Video cards have a wide range of image quality ratings and different characteristics. Some motherboards are manufactured with integrated VGA graphics capabilities. The motherboard chip is a large chip inside a computer that houses the processor and handles most of the commands that pass through the computer. When a VGA chipset is integrated into the motherboard, the computer is considered to have an integrated video card. This type of hardware can help reduce the cost of building a computer and save space in the computer case for airflow or other hardware.
Like other types of graphics specifications, VGA rules provide manufacturers with the specifications that make VGA hardware connectors look the same, regardless of who makes them. While most monitors and many high-definition televisions (HDTVs) have VGA connectors, some older televisions only have Radio Corporation of America (RCA) connectors. A VGA chipset adapter can offer a means to connect a VGA chipset and television with RCA cables, allowing the user to use a standard RCA television as a monitor. Adapters can also be used to make a VGA chipset compatible with other input types such as digital video interface (DVI) or separate video (S-Video).