A voltage multiplier uses capacitors and diodes to convert low voltage AC into high voltage DC. It is used in electronics to efficiently power devices such as televisions, radars, and oscilloscopes. It can multiply input voltage by just over four times before outputting a much higher voltage at a much lower current.
A voltage multiplier is an electronic device containing specific voltage boosting circuits that are used when low voltage alternating current, or AC, is used to supply another electronic device that requires a higher voltage input, such as direct current or DC power. These types of circuits have been used in many different aspects of the electronics industry due to their ability to efficiently convert low voltage to high voltage power. A voltage multiplier can be used in everything from the common household television to equipment used to test the power of lightning strikes to safety tests performed on products that may be subject to such lightning strikes.
The specific types of circuits present in a voltage multiplier make it possible to convert low voltage power sources into high voltage electrical energy sources through the use of capacitors and diodes. Capacitors and diodes work in combination with each other throughout the circuit to step up the power of the electrical supply, while also regulating the power as it completes the circuit. The flow of a voltage multiplier is always AC in and DC out, showing the user a significant increase in the voltage generated, while maintaining the low current required to operate the device. Voltage multipliers differ from transformers in that they are only capable of increasing voltage by decreasing current, whereas transformers have the ability to also decrease voltage by increasing current.
Each specific type of voltage multiplier has different capacities, depending on the phases in the multiplier circuit. For example, if the multiplier has only one stage, it will only be able to double the input voltage as current flows through the circuit. Voltage multipliers are capable of multiplying an input voltage by just over four times before the circuit is completed, outputting a much higher voltage at a much lower current. As a result of this limitation, the load entering the multiplier must be constant, because at the rate at which the voltage is multiplied, any small fluctuation in the voltage entering the multiplier will cause a large drop in the output voltage as it exits the circuit through the outputs. of the multiplier.
One of the most common uses of voltage multipliers is in television circuitry. Because of all the inner workings of a television, the voltage going into the television has to be regulated and multiplied in order for the kinescope or screen to work. These types of circuits are also used in items such as radars and oscilloscopes, as these devices require a high voltage power supply while providing a constant low current.