Warts are non-cancerous tumors caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. There are different types of warts, including common, flat, plantar, and genital warts. Most warts will disappear on their own, but they can also be removed by a doctor using cryosurgery, electrosurgery, laser treatments, or keratolysis. Over-the-counter treatments are available but should be used with caution. It’s important to seek medical advice before treating any questionable skin growth.
A wart is typically a small, rough, non-cancerous tumor that grows on the top layer of skin. They often look like a solid blister or cauliflower and can look very light or very dark compared to the normal skin around them. They are usually painless, but can cause itching and burning if they are in areas of high friction.
The condition is caused by a viral infection called human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is contagious and can be transmitted from person to person by direct or indirect contact. The virus can also spread from one location on the body to another on the same person. The virus enters the body through an area of skin that is cracked, peeling, or moist. The amount of virus present, the location of the contact, and the state of a person’s immune system all determine whether an HPV infection will cause a wart to form.
There are many different types of warts, including common, flat, plantar, and genital warts. The common wart is usually raised and dome-shaped with a rough, gray-brown surface. These usually grow on the fingers or backs of the hands and are sometimes called “seed warts” because they contain tiny blood vessels that look like black seeds.
The flat variety is a small, slightly raised, smooth tumor that is usually pink, tan, or flesh-colored. These are most commonly seen on the face and forehead of an infected person. They can occur in large numbers, with up to 100 flat lesions clustered together. They are more common in children than in adults and are also called “juvenile warts”.
Plantar warts grow on pressure points on the bottom of the feet, and a large number of these tumors can cause difficulty walking, running, jumping, and even standing. If several cluster in one area, they are called “mosaic warts.” They usually look like a thick callus, so it’s a good idea to have a doctor diagnose the growth as a wart before treating it.
Genital or venereal warts grow on the genitals, pubic area, between the thighs, and inside the vagina and anal canal. Transmitted through sexual activity, they can range in size from small shiny papules to large cauliflower-like lesions. They are likely to recur because there is no cure for the virus that causes them and because warts thrive in moist environments. Because chemicals can really damage the genital area, these cancers should only be treated by trained medical personnel.
Most warts will eventually disappear on their own, flushed out by the body’s immune system. However, they can also last for years or recur repeatedly. While not life threatening, many people think they are disfiguring and wish to have them removed.
There are several ways a doctor can remove a wart. The most common method is cryosurgery, which involves freezing the area with a special chemical, usually liquid nitrogen, after which the weakened tumor will soon fall off. This treatment is not too painful and rarely causes scarring.
Electrosurgery, which involves burning off the wart, is another good alternative treatment. Some doctors use laser treatments to remove them, but this procedure tends to be more expensive. Doctors may also treat the condition with keratolysis, which uses salicylic acid to remove dead skin surface cells.
There are several over-the-counter options for removal available in supermarkets and pharmacies. The most popular treatments involve salicylic acid or silver nitrate. These procedures will require several treatments. Over-the-counter cryosurgery kits are also available, but they cost significantly more than other treatments.
It’s important to realize that these over-the-counter treatments can kill even healthy skin, so people need to be extremely careful when applying them. It’s always a good idea to seek the advice of a doctor before treating any type of questionable skin growth.