Wheatgrass requires a specific juicer for efficient extraction due to its fiber content. A wheat juicer is designed to handle high-fiber foods and extract juice slowly, preserving enzymes. Wheatgrass has many health benefits, including building blood and being a complete protein.
Most types of fruit and vegetable juicers don’t work so well on wheatgrass. Therefore, there are electric and manual juicers available that will juice wheatgrass more efficiently. There are several reasons to juice your wheatgrass plants with a juicer instead of using the same juicer you would use for other foods. Unlike other juicing devices, a juicer slowly extracts the juice from each individual leaf. In essence, it acts more like a press than a typical juicer. This is the preferred method as high speed juicers may not get all the juice out of the leaves and it can damage or destroy the enzymes from what you get.
A grain juicer is designed to be able to function properly while juicing foods high in fiber. Other types of juicers can get clogged with all the fiber the grain has. That way, you may need to repair your juicer or spend money on a new one. Preventing a costly mistake can be as easy as buying a juicer and using one of the other juicers you have for their recommended food items.
There are several models of juicers on the market today. You can find a wheat juicer made for commercial use as well as a manual or electric juicer that will work great for households to make homemade fruit juice. While you wouldn’t want to squeeze corn juice with other types of juicers, there are juicers available that can juice other types of produce as well. Wheatgrass juicers come in a wide range of prices. Therefore, before making a purchase, you may want to determine how often you plan to use the device, how long you want it to last, and if you want to be able to juice other products as well. This can be used as a guideline when looking at all the different options you have.
Wheatgrass can have many health benefits. Some doctors claim that wheatgrass can build blood because the chlorophyll molecules are nearly identical to the hemoglobin molecule you’ll find in human blood. Not only can this help increase your red blood cell count, but it can also increase your blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to cells throughout your body. Wheatgrass juice is preferred by frequent gym goers and bodybuilders. This is because it is a complete protein. It is made up of multiple amino acids, including arginine, lysine, glycine and aspartic acid.