Chi sites refer to both genetic sites promoting homologous recombination in DNA and spiritual chakras in the body. In DNA, homologous recombination occurs when mirror-image strands swap DNA, creating slightly different strains. In spirituality, chi flows through seven chakras, each governing different aspects of life. Blockages in chakras can cause health and emotional problems.
The term who can be confusing because it is both a scientific and a spiritual term, which means that the phrase “site who” can refer to two very different things. Most DNA strands contain at least one chi site that promotes homologous recombination or the exchange of genetic strands to repair damage in the DNA. The second definition for the chi site refers to the seven spiritual chakras in the body which are usually recognized by spiritualists who follow Eastern teachings.
Chi sites in DNA are most often studied in bacteria, although they are also found in human, plant and animal DNA. These sites are defined as areas of one gene strand that are mirror images of other areas of another gene strand. These genetic mirror images always exist within the same bacterium. When one of these mirror-image strands is damaged, its similar strand fuses with the damaged area and replicates itself. This is called homologous recombination, which loosely means “mixing similar things together.”
Although the chi sites contain nearly identical genetic patterns, there are slight differences that often become apparent when recombination occurs. Once the mirror strands swap DNA, the bacterium becomes a slightly different strain of the same type of bacterium. For example, if roses were able to perform homologous recombination, a white and a red rose could swap DNA to repair each other. Afterward, both plants would still be pink, but they could both be pink. The same basic principle applies to DNA: A self-repairing E. coli molecule is still part of the E. coli family, but it’s a slightly different molecule than it was before. This is how new strains of disease develop.
A spiritual chi site, on the other hand, has very little to do with DNA. Eastern spiritualists believe that the spiritual part of the human body is made up of ethereal energy called chi. This energy flows up and down the vertical center of the spiritual body, gathering at seven major chi sites called chakras. Many spiritualists believe that when a chi chakra site is blocked by negative energy, it negatively impacts one’s life in general. When the chakras are open and energy flows freely through them, the individual feels balanced and contented.
The Chi site chakras begin in the tailbone with the root chakra, which governs survival instincts. The sacral chakra, located in the groin, is the center of sexuality and emotional intimacy. The solar plexus chakra deals with personal power, while the heart chakra deals with compassion. Communication is controlled by the throat chakra, while the third eye chakra is associated with thinking and the crown chakra deals with cosmic connections. Some practitioners believe that blockages in these chakras can cause health problems as well as emotional ones.