Actinium is a radioactive element primarily used in scientific research due to its short half-life and toxicity. It is silvery and glows blue in the dark, and shares chemical properties with lanthanum. It was discovered in 1899 and is mainly used as a source of neutrons in nuclear research. It is extremely dangerous and should be handled with care.
Actinium is a radioactive chemical element found in trace amounts in uranium ore. This element has a relatively short half-life and is so radioactive that it has few industrial uses. Actinium’s primary use is in scientific research. Consumers should rarely, if ever, interact with this item, which is just as good since it is extremely dangerous in the hands of people who are inexperienced in handling radioactive materials.
When this element is isolated, it turns out to be silvery in color and glows blue in the dark due to its radioactivity. The element shares a number of chemical properties with lanthanum, and the naturally occurring radioactivity makes it extremely toxic. Actinium also produces a number of isotopes which also have some research applications. On the periodic table of elements, you can find actinium by looking for the symbol Ac, and the element’s atomic number is 89.
Credit for the discovery of actinium is typically given to Andre Debierne, a French chemist who isolated it from uranium ore in 1899. Around the same time, radium and polonium were also isolated from uranium ore by Marie and Pierre Curie, proving that uranium held some well-kept secrets. The element’s name is taken from the Greek actin, meaning “ray,” a reference to its radioactivity.
The main users of actinium are scientific researchers, who use it as a source of neutrons in nuclear research. An isotope of actinium can also be used to bombard bismuth to produce some interesting reactions, and this isotope is also used in nuclear medicine. In addition to being found in nature, the element can also be produced synthetically, as was demonstrated in 2000 when Australian researchers used a linear accelerator to produce a synthetic version.
Like other radioactive elements, actinuim is toxic and should be handled with care. Exposure to relatively small amounts can be very dangerous and should not be ingested. Researchers working with the element typically use protective measures and monitor their radiation exposure to avoid levels that could cause radiation sickness or long-term damage.