Acupuncture software is used by practitioners and students to regulate the use of acupuncture. Taomedic, Ace, Qpuncture, and AcuHerb TreatSoft are companies that offer acupuncture software with features such as decision support systems, client notes, and comprehensive databases. Interactive Acupuncture Assistant Pro includes features for managing daily treatment and maintaining activity.
Acupuncture software refers to any group of computer programs designed for acupuncture practitioners. An acupuncturist uses the program to regulate the use of acupuncture, a practice used to treat illness or infertility that involves inserting fine needles into multiple points on the body. In addition to practicing acupuncturists, the software can also be used by students who want to learn the basics of Chinese acupuncture.
Taomedic Software International is a company that offers acupuncture software, herbal software and an accompanying e-book. The acupuncture software presents the basics of traditional acupuncture for those just learning. It also comes with a decision support system to help users figure out when it’s better to use acupuncture than herbs. The e-book provides instruction on diagnosis and theories of acupuncture.
Ace: Acupuncture Expert is a type of software that relies on the use of advanced computer systems to keep acupuncture programs organized. This program allows the acupuncturist to take notes on individual patients, monitor patient history and reactions to acupuncture, bill patients, and generate records. Within this program, ClientTracker is the feature that allows for detailed client notes.
Qpuncture, Inc. is another company that produces acupuncture software. It focuses on teaching so that users have a thorough understanding of the benefits and uses of acupuncture. QChart is another type of software that comes with a comprehensive database. A great emphasis is placed on graphs, and this is how customer information is organized. QChart is also equipped with an integrated diagnostic system.
AcuHerb TreatSoft contains medical information that an acupuncturist would likely have learned in acupuncture school. It’s still a good idea to have this program around your acupuncture clinic because it can be easy to forget all the ins and outs of acupuncture. Includes instructions on acupuncture points, herbs and diagnostic methods. There is a separate database for herbs that can be used as desired. A system built into the acupuncture software suggests specific acupuncture points based on the patient’s disease and this software also includes symptoms, diseases, prescriptions and illustrations.
Interactive Acupuncture Assistant Pro is easy-to-use acupuncture software that includes practical features for both managing your daily acupuncture treatment and maintaining an activity. An expandable database is included that makes it easy to search for acupuncture points, medical records, and descriptions of diagnoses and treatments. In addition, Interactive Acupuncture Assistant Pro takes care of appointment books, insurance billing, receipts, invoices and accounting.