Acute atrial fibrillation is a sudden, irregular heartbeat that can last for hours or days and can cause shortness of breath, confusion, and loss of consciousness. Causes include blood clots, medication, and heart attack complications. Treatment includes oxygen therapy, medication, and defibrillation. Patients may need daily medication and lifestyle changes to prevent future complications.
Acute atrial fibrillation is a type of arrhythmia, or abnormally fast or irregular heartbeat, that occurs suddenly but can persist for several hours or days. The problem stems from changes in the electrical activity in the heart that cause the atria, or upper chambers, to contract very rapidly. The lower chambers, the ventricles, cannot compensate for the fast contractions and deliver less blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. Acute atrial fibrillation can lead to extreme shortness of breath, mental confusion and loss of consciousness. It is essential to seek emergency treatment when symptoms occur to avoid life-threatening heart failure or stroke.
Many different factors can contribute to acute atrial fibrillation. Blood clots, blood pressure medications, and complications following a heart attack are the main causes. A person may also develop symptoms after binge drinking or being electrocuted. Chronic health conditions such as high cholesterol, hyperthyroidism, and sick sinus syndrome can also cause a sudden attack of atrial fibrillation, but such conditions usually result in progressive worsening of the arrhythmia that develops over weeks to months.
The symptoms of acute atrial fibrillation tend to come on suddenly. A person may experience an immediate sensation of chest pain and tightness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. His heartbeat and heartbeats can be felt by touching his chest. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause extreme dizziness and mental confusion and possibly lead to fainting. Occasionally, an attack can be over within seconds or minutes if the electrical activity stabilizes, although symptoms tend to persist until medical attention is received.
A patient exhibiting life-threatening symptoms is usually given oxygen therapy and a blood-thinning drug to clear out any existing clots. An external defibrillator can be used to deliver a high-intensity electric shock directly to the atria to return them to a normal rhythm. Once the patient is stabilized, a series of imaging tests and electrocardiograms are done to look for the underlying cause of the attack.
People who are able to recover after acute atrial fibrillation typically need to take daily medications called antiarrhythmics to prevent recurring problems. Additional medications may be prescribed if the problems have been caused by high blood pressure, cholesterol or thyroid conditions. An individual who has repeated episodes may be equipped with an internal defibrillator that monitors the heart rhythm and delivers a mild shock when it detects an abnormality. Patients also receive very specific instructions about diet and exercise to reduce the chances of future complications.