Acute sciatica is sudden leg pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can be treated with rest, medication, or surgery. It can be caused by herniated discs, inflammation, stenosis, pregnancy, work habits, or congenital anomalies. Light exercise, a balanced diet, and good posture can help prevent it.
Acute sciatica is the sudden onset of pain in one leg. The pain can take a variety of forms and can extend from the hip to the foot. This condition can occur as a stand-alone problem and may be recurring or encountered only once. Treatments for acute sciatica depend on the underlying cause, but may include rest, medication, and surgery in some patients. Treatment may be supervised by a neurologist and may also involve the services of someone such as a physical therapist.
Sciatica is caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, the nerve responsible for supplying the leg. This pressure can be the result of a herniated disc, inflammation, stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal, pregnancy, certain work habits or conditions, and congenital anomalies. In the case of acute sciatica, the pain starts suddenly and is extreme. Patients may have difficulty walking and may be distracted by pain, making it difficult to focus on completing tasks.
If people experience excruciating pain in their leg with no history of sciatica or neurological problems, they should see a doctor for an evaluation. Medical imaging studies and a physical exam can be done to learn more about what’s going on and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the patient. Sometimes you just need to rest. Patients may also be given pain medications for inflammation. If your sciatica doesn’t go away, you may need surgery to correct a problem like a herniated disc.
In patients with a history of sciatica and neurological problems, acute sciatica can be a potential problem that can come and go over time. Managing the underlying issues can help reduce the severity of acute attacks of sciatica, and patients may also consider options such as electrical nerve stimulation to address the pain. Surgery may also be offered as a treatment option in some cases, although it is not always appropriate for the patient’s needs.
Light exercise appears to help reduce the risk of developing acute sciatica, as does eating a balanced diet and working out in safe, comfortable positions. People with jobs that involve a lot of standing should wear supportive shoes and rest in a seat during breaks, while people who sit at work should maintain good posture and remember to stand up and stretch periodically. Posture-related sciatica is a potential problem in many workplaces where people are expected to hold positions for extended periods of time.