What’s adult scoliosis?

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Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can cause pain and deformities. Adult scoliosis can be caused by degeneration or childhood transmission. Diagnosis includes the Adam’s Forward Bend Test and x-rays. Treatment varies, but surgery is reserved for severe cases.

Scoliosis is a disease in which the spine develops an abnormal curve. Typically, the spine bends to the side, to the left, or to the right. It can also spin. This disease usually develops in childhood. Scoliosis in patients 18 years of age and older is referred to as adult scoliosis.
The human spine has natural curves that perform an important function for the body. They act as shock absorbers to help the body cope with the physical stress of movement. With the abnormal curvature of scoliosis, however, patients may experience pain.

Adult scoliosis can be caused by degeneration of the spine. This can be the result of a disease such as osteoporosis, a fracture or degeneration of the discs in the spine. Adult scoliosis can also be transmitted from the patient’s childhood. Occasionally, cases of scoliosis may go untreated and undiagnosed.

The most common symptom of scoliosis is back pain. It can range from mild to severe. The disease can also cause deformities and lack of symmetry in the patient’s physique. Scoliosis can cause the patient to walk with an abnormal gait because the length of the legs is not symmetrical. Some patients may experience stiffness, stiffness of the spine, and problems sitting or standing.

One of the first diagnostic tools a doctor can use to determine if a patient is at risk for scoliosis is called the Adam’s Forward Bend Test. In this simple test, the doctor will have the patient stand up and bend forward with knees straight and arms hanging down . The doctor can then clearly examine the spine. However, this test may occasionally miss deformities in the lower spine.

Other tests to diagnose adult scoliosis include a neurological test to determine the patient’s reflexes and nerve health. A doctor may also use a scoliometer, which is a device that can measure your spine. If this test indicates a possible deformity, your doctor will likely order x-rays.

There is no standard treatment that works for every patient with adult scoliosis. Some people with mild curvature may not need any treatment. A doctor can give a patient specific exercises that can help. Other people can try an epidural steroid injection for pain relief.

Surgery for adult patients is typically reserved for cases that cause persistent pain. A surgeon may recommend spinal fusion. In this procedure, your spine will be thoroughly realigned, although complete realignment may not be possible. A bone graft can then be used to help the bones fuse together over a period of time. Patients should carefully consider the risks and benefits before choosing surgery.

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