What’s Africa’s share of global population?

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Africa has just under 15% of the world’s population, with 75% of its territory uninhabited. The continent faces a crisis as its population could reach 2 billion by the mid-21st century, leading to food and water shortages. Nigeria is the most populous nation, while Seychelles is the least populated.

Just under 15 percent of the world’s population is found in Africa. Although about 500 million people live in the numerous countries of the African continent, 75% of the territory remains uninhabited. With expectations that Africa’s population could increase to 2 billion by the middle of the 21st century, a crisis in terms of having enough food and water to sustain the increase has already begun to unfold.

More Africa Population Facts:

Most Africans live in areas that have abundant supplies of safe drinking water. This includes the Nile Valley, areas along the Niger, South Africa, and the coasts of West and North Africa.

Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa, with over 155 million citizens. Ethiopia is second, with a population approaching 91 million. In contrast, Uganda is the tenth most populous nation on the continent, with a population of over 10 million.
The least populated country in Africa is the tiny Republic of Seychelles, with about 800,000 residents. Once home to pirate hideouts, these tiny islands along the east coast of Africa are now a popular tourist attraction. Under British administration until 1976, Seychelles is now independent and has held elections to national office since 1993.

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