Agliophobia is a fear of feeling pain, often caused by a traumatic event. It can cause physical symptoms and may lead to drug abuse. Treatment can include prescription drugs or hypnosis.
Agliophobia is a psychological disorder that can be described as the fear of feeling pain. In most cases, the person dreads an event that could potentially cause pain. Fear can be worse than any pain that might actually occur, making fear illogical. A person with agliophobia may stay away from a particular situation if they believe that pain may occur. He may also have trouble watching a situation, such as a television show, where pain signs are mimicked, even if it’s for theatrical purposes.
In most cases, agliophobia is caused by a traumatic event. When the event occurred, the person suffered greatly. As a result, his brain remembers the pain associated with that event and no longer wants to feel that pain. The thing that makes a garlicophobic condition different from a normal fear of pain is that the person suffering from it carries their fear of pain into other events where the possibility of suffering pain may be unlikely.
A simplistic example would be that an agliophobic person never goes near his mailbox for fear of bumping his toe. The chance that a person will stamp his foot every time he approaches the mailbox is low. Also, while stomping your foot may hurt, it certainly shouldn’t hurt so much that it prohibits a person from walking down the sidewalk to a mailbox. Hence, a person with agliophobia is so afraid of pain that she is willing to stop walking to her mailbox, even though the chances of extreme pain are unlikely.
People with agliophobia exhibit a wide range of symptoms. For example, she may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, or rapid breathing. Some people also have an abnormal heart rate, nausea, and sweating. In severe cases, a person with this condition may experience an irrational fear of death or a sense of detachment. He may also suffer from frequent panic or anxiety attacks.
Typically, a person with agliophobia will need to see a psychologist. The psychologist may specialize in energy psychology or phobias. As a result, over a period of time the therapist can determine the severity of the disorder and suggest treatments. These treatments can include prescription drugs or hypnosis. Both are designed to relax the person and help them realize that their fears are unwarranted.
Many garlic phobics suffer from drug abuse. They feel the drugs help them escape the daily fears they face. I am able to escape reality and enter a surreal, pain-free world. As a result, many people with agliophobia need to be treated for their drug addiction and their phobia.