Airsickness is caused by mixed messages sent to the brain from the inner ear, sensory nerves, and eyes during air travel. Symptoms include nausea, headache, tiredness, and vomiting. Relaxation techniques and medication can help prevent or reduce symptoms. Sitting at the front of the plane and eating lighter meals can also help. Over time, individuals become accustomed to flying and their incidence of motion sickness decreases.
Airsickness is a form of motion sickness experienced by some air travellers. It is caused by a disruption in the balance and equilibrium of the body. When the inner ear, sensory nerves, and eyes send mixed messages to the brain, an airsick sufferer will experience unpleasant symptoms. Travelers can take prescription and non-prescription medicines to prevent or reduce these symptoms. Symptoms usually subside and disappear completely once the movement has stopped.
When riding in an airplane, a traveler’s inner ear can sense movement that their eyes don’t. This conflicting message to the brain causes imbalance. As a result, the body experiences a variety of symptoms. Nausea, headache, tiredness, paleness, dizziness and vomiting are some of the body’s reactions to airsickness.
Sometimes the cause of airsickness is psychological in nature. An air traveler used to getting sick on planes may develop anxiety in anticipation of flying. If so, airsickness symptoms may develop before the plane leaves the ground. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and mind-body therapies have been shown to help people relax and prevent such symptoms.
Trying to prevent travel sickness is important because once symptoms start, they usually don’t stop until the plane has landed and stopped moving. There are several strategies to prevent airsickness. It’s usually helpful to sit at the front of the plane or in places that experience less movement, such as near the wings. It is also important to ensure that there is adequate ventilation directed to the face through the use of aircraft vents. Eating lighter meals and avoiding greasy or greasy meals before travel can help reduce symptoms of nausea and malaise.
Some airsickness sufferers take prescription and over-the-counter medications to prevent or reduce uncomfortable symptoms. These medications usually need to be taken before travelling. Antihistamine drugs reduce inner ear stimulation, decreasing the incidence of dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. In some cases, a skin patch is used and administered behind the ear before travelling. Sedatives can also be used for air travel sickness to minimize motion tracking.
The effects of air travel sickness are temporary but problematic for people who need to travel for a living. Pilots and flight attendants, for example, must address the issue to sustain long-term careers. Studies show that implementing relaxation and breathing techniques has helped many of these individuals overcome this problem permanently. In general, as individuals become accustomed to flying, their incidence of motion sickness decreases.