Akinetic mutism is caused by brain damage and results in the inability to move or speak, while the rest of the body functions normally. It can be caused by various factors, including infections, toxins, and degenerative diseases. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and supporting brain signaling. Diagnosis is done through MRI and cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
Akinetic mutism describes a situation in which a patient is alert but unable to move or speak. These symptoms are caused by damage to the brain and the functioning of the rest of the body is unaffected. Brain damage can be caused by various problems such as infections, toxins or degenerative brain diseases. This condition is a symptom of a problem and not a disease itself.
Brain signals control movement in the body, and when the cells and nerves in the brain are diseased, these signals can go down. The patient’s muscles are physically capable of moving the body and performing the movements necessary to speak, but the brain signals to do so are not reaching the muscles. The person is fully aware of their surroundings but cannot perform the physical functions necessary to respond to stimuli.
Various parts of the brain are involved in the normal process of moving and talking. The frontal lobe, basal ganglia, and thalamus are some examples of the damaged areas that can cause akinetic mutism. When the frontal lobe is involved, the akinetic mutism is known as hyperpathic akinetic mutism, and when the midbrain region is damaged, the condition is called somnolent akinetic mutism. The midbrain region refers to an area of the midbrain, while the frontal lobes are located behind the forehead.
The brain is susceptible to damage from many causes. Akinetic mutism can be caused by toxins such as carbon monoxide or drugs. The condition can also result from infections from agents such as multiple sclerosis or from swellings caused by diseases such as measles or HIV. Hydrocephalus, also known as water on the brain, a condition that can be present at birth or following trauma, may be another cause.
Degenerative diseases such as Creutzfeld-Jakob disease or other forms of dementia can also cause it. Tumors affecting the involved brain regions may also be a cause, as can trauma to the frontal lobes. Problems with the circulatory system that feeds the brain, such as blood clots or bleeding, can also damage the brain.
Doctors diagnose the condition through MRI techniques and may take samples of cerebrospinal fluid to look for an infectious cause. Treatment involves treating the causative agent, and a patient may also receive drugs to support brain signaling, such as a dopamine agonist. A patient with akinetic mutism displays symptoms similar to other recognized conditions, such as catatonia in psychiatric patients and state of paralysis in patients with paralysis, but it is a distinct medical condition.