What’s Al Qaeda?

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Al Qaeda is an Islamic militant group founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988. It aims to replace all governments with Islamic leaders and is responsible for many terrorist attacks worldwide, including the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. The group practices Wahhabism, a violent form of Islam, and justifies the murder of “infidels.” Al Qaeda is aligned with other terrorist organizations and has been classified as a terrorist organization by several countries. Its goal is to remove Western influence from the Middle East.

Al Qaeda is an Arabic phrase meaning “the base”. It is also said to mean “the foundation,” but there is little distinction. It is essentially the planning basis for many terrorist attacks around the world. The Al Qaeda network was created by Osama bin Laden following the Soviet-Afghan conflict which ended in 1988. It is an armed group of Islamic militants which has been classified as a terrorist organization by Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. States.

Al Qaeda is made up of Sunni Muslims, most of whom practice Wahhabism, described by many experts as the most violent and extreme form of Islam. This sect believes that all governments should be replaced by Islamic leaders and that all people should be governed by Islamic law. The murder of “infidels” or those who refuse to obey is not only justified, but embraced.

The Al Qaeda network is believed to be aligned with many other terrorist organizations and there is evidence linking this group to many worldwide attacks and the deaths of thousands of civilians, including the murder of Daniel Pearl, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal. While the evidence is sometimes tenuous and the group doesn’t always accept responsibility for these acts, there are almost always links of some kind to Al Qaeda. Some believe that this circumstantial evidence may not implicate Al Qaeda, but perhaps splinter groups or even independent groups following Al Qaeda’s lead. While there may be no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt linking this group to various attacks around the world, this is not a simple law enforcement issue. The world will not wait for a smoking gun before reacting to terrorist threats, because doing so would ensure the deaths of more innocent people.

Al Qaeda is best known for attacks on the United States, including attacks on US embassies as well as military bases and equipment, including a warship called the USS Cole. Al Qaeda also attacked on American soil in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, though things didn’t go as planned. They returned to finish the job in 2001, flying airliners into the Twin Towers, which toppled, killing nearly 3,000 civilians.

This group is responsible for recruiting and training terrorists and planning and financing terrorist attacks, and one of its stated goals is to remove all Western influence from the Middle East. In 2006, just after the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a videotaped statement made by Osama bin Laden was released in which he called the World War on Terror “World War III.” While other attacks on US soil since 2001 have been thwarted, Al Qaeda is believed to have carried out many attacks around the world, killing thousands of innocent people.

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