Alternative energy engineering involves designing systems that use renewable fuels to reduce dependence on limited petroleum resources. Experts from diverse disciplines work together to research emerging fuels and production technologies, create new facilities and vehicles, and rigorously test prototypes. Projects can last for several years and receive funding from alternative energy companies, government agencies, or oil companies. The goal is to improve alternative energy technologies and reduce global dependence on non-renewable resources.
Alternative energy engineering is the practice of designing new systems that create or use renewable fuels. Dedicated engineers work closely with chemists and physicists to discover methods of producing clean energy. They invent new technologies and make improvements to older systems, such as converting construction and manufacturing equipment engines to run on biodiesel. The goal of alternative energy engineering is to reduce consumers’ dependence on limited petroleum resources by providing clean and reliable energy options.
Effective alternative energy engineering requires the cooperation of experts from diverse disciplines. It is common for physicists, chemists and microbiologists to team up with mechanical, chemical and civil engineers in a typical alternative energy engineering project. Project managers set budgets and deadlines, copywriters and technical writers create important documents, and safety supervisors ensure worker health and environmental protection.
An alternative energy engineering project usually starts with intensive research into emerging fuels and production technologies. Scientists can investigate the potential benefits of energy derived from solar, wind, water, or geothermal resources. They can also experiment with hydrogen, biodiesel, biomass and ethanol. When deciding on new fuels, scientists consider their efficiency, production cost and environmental friendliness.
Engineers work to create new facilities to harness or produce an alternative form of energy and new vehicles and systems that can make use of it. Chemical engineers design blueprints for nuclear and power plants, and civil engineers develop plans for hydroelectric dams and wind turbines. Specialized mechanical engineers are often involved in the design of solar panels, batteries and fuel cells.
The design of new vehicles powered by biodiesel, ethanol or electricity requires the collective input of many engineering experts. Workers rigorously test prototypes before applying for patents or marketing their systems to ensure they are safe, efficient and reliable. Introducing a new vehicle type can be difficult as power plants or services must be readily available to drivers. Engineers and scientists design refueling stations for ethanol, power stations and refueling plants for hydrogen fuel cells.
From conducting initial research on energy sources to implementing a new technology on a large scale, an alternative energy engineering project can last for several years or even decades. Projects are often very expensive, and researchers often receive funding from alternative energy companies, government agencies, or oil companies that want to get involved in the new market. Future studies and engineering products will continue to improve alternative energy technologies and reduce global dependence on non-renewable resources.