What’s amaxophobia?

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Amaxophobia is an intense fear of sitting or riding in any type of moving vehicle, which can be debilitating. Treatment involves psychotherapy and drug therapy to alleviate symptoms and retrain the mind to view vehicular travel as non-threatening. Progress may be slow, but therapy can eventually lead to freedom from fear and anxiety.

Also known as hamaxophobia and ocophobia, amaxophobia is an intense fear of sitting in or riding in any type of moving vehicle. Though quite rare, phobias of this type are particularly debilitating in today’s world. Because the condition affects the ability to travel in any form other than walking, people with amaxophobia are often confined to their homes or restrict their movement to places that are within easy walking distance of their homes.

There are some extreme situations where the definition extends to any type of travel outside the home. There are those who believe that to properly define the term, it is also necessary to include people who have an innate and powerful fear of walking. However, there is a difference of opinion on this definition among healthcare professionals.

As with many phobias, an individual dealing with this condition will often display a state of extreme agitation when faced with the need to travel in any type of vehicle. The degree of agitation can range from a highly excited state in which nerves appear to be on edge for the duration of travel to states in which it is impossible to travel without sedation. The various symptoms of amaxophobia include inability to breathe, a rapid heartbeat, the onset of panic attacks, a feeling of losing one’s sanity, and even a strong sense of impending doom.

Treatments for amaxophobia are often a combination of psychotherapy and drug therapy. Because many of the symptoms of phobia are similar to those of anxiety disorders, it’s not unusual for a doctor to prescribe a mild sedative or anti-anxiety medication. Along with medications, counseling research can also help uncover the root causes of the development of the phobia, and thus offer amaxophobics the potential to eventually overcome the condition and no longer require medication to make a quick trip to the car, subway or Other meanings.

While the exact structure of any set of treatments will vary based on the patient’s needs, the ultimate goal of all forms of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition and retrain the mind to view vehicular travel as something completely non-threatening. . As with the treatment of many emotional and mental conditions, treatments usually take time to start having a lasting impact on the patient. During this time, loved ones should be aware that while amaxophobics may be able to take a road trip with relative ease today, that does not guarantee the same will happen tomorrow.

Even people suffering from this phobia shouldn’t get discouraged if progress seems to be slow or even reverse from time to time. This is normal with the treatment of many phobias, including amaxophobia. By sticking to therapy, it is possible to eventually be free from fear and anxiety and be able to travel with a sense of anticipation rather than extreme fear.

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