An actuator assembly is a complete mechanism that translates power into motion, often consisting of an actuator, arm, transfer linkage, and power components. It can include the controller and secondary equipment, and is available in both complete and modular forms for replacement and repair.
Actuator assembly is a generic term used to describe any complete actuator mechanism. It is typically used to describe the actuator with all associated output transfer connections, wiring or hoses. The description can also be extended to include the actuator controller, although this is usually seen as a separate entity. An actuator assembly usually consists of the physical actuator mechanism, an actuator arm, a transfer linkage, and any integral power components. Simple actuator assemblies are normally supplied as complete, standard units to facilitate the replacement of defective parts, while larger units can be purchased in modular form to reduce replacement costs.
An actuator is a device that translates a static power source into a useful output motion. A staggering variety of machine, appliance, and automotive applications rely on actuators as sources of activation, switching, or regulating motion. Many actuators, such as hydraulic and pneumatic types, are relatively simple, while others such as high-precision servo actuators are generally much more sophisticated and complex. A simple hydraulic piston actuator may consist of only two or three basic parts while a servo actuator may consist of a dozen or more separate parts. In both cases, however, the complete motion output unit is commonly referred to as an actuator assembly.
The exact extent of the actuator assembly definition is often difficult to express precisely. In most cases, however, it extends to the parts directly involved in generating and transferring actuator motion. This will typically include the actuator power harness or pressure hoses, the actuator mechanism itself and the actuator arm. Any secondary links, pins and fasteners are also often included as part of the actuator assembly. Obviously, parts of the motion transfer chain integral with the driven machine or equipment will not be included in the description of the assembly.
In the case of simple stop/start systems, the actuator controller is usually seen as a separate component. When more complex systems such as servoactuators are involved, secondary equipment such as interface units, controllers and limits can also be included as part of the actuator assembly. Again, in the case of simple systems, the entire actuator assembly can be ordered to replace defective units, greatly simplifying maintenance and repair work. More complex units are often available as components. This is more practical and reduces the cost of replacing individual defective parts of the assembly.