What’s an agaric?

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Agaricus is a genus of over 300 mushrooms, some edible and others poisonous. They share common characteristics such as a cap, gills, stem, and veil. Agaricus bisporus is the most common edible variety, while Agaricus phalloides and the destroying angel are deadly. It is difficult to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms, so novice hunters should seek guidance.

An agaric is a type of mushroom that belongs to the genus Agaricus. This genus of mushrooms has more than three hundred members, some of which are edible, others poisonous. Many of the most common cultivated edible mushrooms are members of the genus Agaricus.
All agaric mushrooms share several characteristics in common. One of these is the presence of a pileus, or cap, which surmounts the mushroom in a similar way to the canopy of an umbrella. On the underside of the pileus are fine, feathery gills that extend from the center of the pileus to the outer edge. Two other characteristics of mushrooms of the genus Agaricus are the presence of a stem and a veil structure which protects the lower part of the pileus during the development of the mushroom.

The best known of the edible Agaric mushrooms is Agaricus bisporus, which is known by many different names and is grown in approximately seventy countries around the world. Young mushrooms of this variety are usually referred to as button, white, common, or table mushroom. As the mushroom grows, its flesh darkens and the cap begins to flatten. At this stage they may be referred to as Baportobello, Italians, Crimes or Brown Mushrooms. The mature mushroom, with darker brown flesh and a large flat cap, is called a portobello or portobella.

Most mushroom poisoning deaths are due to ingestion of one of two members of the Agaricus genus: Agaricus phalloides or an agaric mushroom known as the destroying angel. There are actually several mushrooms that bear this name, all of the genus Agaricus. Destroying angel mushrooms are white, sometimes with a pink, tan, or yellow cap. Deaths from this fungus usually occur because they are easily mistaken for edible wild mushrooms.

Agaricus phalloides is known as the death cap, and as with the destroying angel mushroom, this mushroom looks similar to many edible wild mushroom species. The death cap is one of the most toxic mushrooms known, with an estimated 30 grams, or one ounce, enough to kill an adult human. Contributing to the toxicity of this agaric mushroom species is the fact that symptoms may not appear for two to three days after ingestion, by which time the toxin has already severely damaged the liver and other internal organs.

Many poisonous mushroom species are native to multiple countries, and every continent in the world is home to at least one poisonous member of the genus Agaricus, in addition to edible wild mushrooms. Because the edible and poisonous members of this mushroom genus are physically similar, it can be difficult for a novice wild mushroom hunter to pick mushrooms safely. It is generally recommended that a newcomer to this pastime go wild mushroom hunting under the guidance of someone experienced in picking wild mushrooms.

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