Ambulances are vehicles designed for medical transportation, originating from military use. They can be used for emergency and non-urgent cases, with medical supplies and space for attendants. Ambulance services can be operated by various organizations and may use first responder cars to assist in emergencies.
An ambulance is a vehicle that has been specifically designed to transport someone in need of medical attention. Many people are familiar with the concept of an emergency ambulance, an ambulance that is used to quickly transfer ICU patients to an emergency room. Ambulances can also be used for routine transport of non-urgent cases, such as transfers between hospitals and nursing homes. In most nations, ambulances are given priority over the road, in recognition that time is of the essence when moving seriously ill or critically injured patients.
The origins of the ambulance lie in the military, which is perhaps not entirely surprising, as military service tends to come with an increased risk of being seriously injured. Historically, military hospitals and medical aid stations have been placed as close to the battlefield as possible to provide quick attention, and soldiers have been employed to transport wounded soldiers quickly to the hospital. In 1700 a military doctor had the idea of using a horse-drawn cart to move wounded soldiers and the first ambulances were born. Like other military inventions, applications of the ambulance were quickly taken up by the civilian community and adapted.
Some early ambulances doubled as a hearse, with funeral homes operating funeral services and ambulances for their communities. Over time, specialized ambulance services began to arise, although some funeral homes continue the tradition of providing both forms of transport, albeit in different vehicles.
Cars, boats and planes can be adapted or designed for use as an ambulance. A typical ambulance includes space for a patient and one or two attendants, with room for attendants to move around comfortably. Cabinets and lockers in the vehicle contain medical supplies that can be used to stabilize the patient during the journey to the hospital. Some ambulances only offer Basic Life Support (BLS), while others can be used for Advanced Life Support (ALS) for more seriously ill patients.
Most ambulances have a high roof, so the attendants can stand upright, and have heavy engines so they can be driven quickly, despite having a lot of weight. Ambulances are also clearly identified with luminous visual markings designed to attract attention and may use special warning lights and sirens when in operation. When an ambulance turns on its lights, siren, or both, other vehicles usually have to give way.
Ambulance services can be operated by hospitals, governments, non-profit organizations, and for-profit corporations that specialize in ambulance transportation. Different ambulance services have also adopted first responder cars, small cars and motorcycles equipped with basic medical supplies that roam the cities with paramedics who can respond quickly to a medical emergency, assisting the patient while dispatching the ambulance and calling for an ambulance if the patient’s case is not serious enough to require transport by ambulance.