An aphasia test measures language skills lost after a brain injury. Different tests determine the type, extent, and severity of aphasia symptoms, and aid in planning rehabilitation activities. Other tests evaluate prognosis and progress. Diagnosis and treatment should be administered by a qualified professional.
An aphasia test measures the amount of language skills lost following a traumatic brain injury. Initial assessments use answers to simple questions, the ability to follow simple instructions, or item recognition to determine the presence of aphasia. Follow-up testing may include a series of tests to determine the type, extent, and severity of aphasia symptoms. An aphasia test is used to help plan rehabilitation activities following a stroke, tumor, head injury, or other damage to the brain.
Contemporary imaging technology can also be used to determine the location of damage within the brain. Because the disorder has different manifestations among patients, clinicians must rely on language assessments to determine how a patient is affected by aphasia. An aphasia test can be used to diagnose aphasia among a number of other disorders. There are many different types of aphasia that present differently based on the location of the brain lesion.
The symptoms of aphasia can be mimicked by other brain disorders. The Halstead screening test is an initial aphasia test for the presence of aphasia. When performing this assessment, the patient is asked to perform a variety of tasks including spelling simple words, naming common objects, and identifying numbers and letters. If aphasia is identified, the Halstead assessment test would be followed by a more comprehensive examination of language skills.
A complete aphasia testing procedure consists of a series of test batteries. The motor vocal battery detects the type of aphasia if indeed present. The orientation and general information battery determines whether the impairment is caused by aphasia or some other condition such as dementia or general confusion. The General Language Ability Battery measure evaluates the severity of the language deficiency and identifies the patient’s strengths and weaknesses.
Other tests help doctors evaluate the prognosis of patients with aphasia. The Minnesota Test for the Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia evaluates a patient’s strengths and weaknesses while evaluating other perceptual disturbances. This aphasia test is a primary tool for planning treatment activities. The Boston Aphasia Diagnostic Test was designed to help locate the part of the brain that was injured and caused the aphasia, while the Porch Communication Ability Index focuses on progress and recovery in a patient aphasic. An aphasia test should be administered and evaluated by a qualified professional for official diagnosis and treatment.