Article writers specialize in writing for websites, blogs, magazines, and books. They can be hired as copywriters or work as freelancers, and may specialize in a particular subject or genre. Payment varies, and some writers benefit from the publicity generated by their articles. Companies can hire content creators for their websites, and some specialize in search engine optimization.
An article writer specializes in writing topical information that is usually included in a website, blog, magazine, book, or magazine. These writers may focus their writing on a specific genre, or they may be experts on a particular subject. In addition, article writers can be hired as copywriters by specific companies or they can work as freelancers, accepting commissions from various editors or writing articles independently and submitting them to editors for possible purchase.
Traditionally, an article writer is someone who writes for a journal, such as a magazine or newspaper. The article writer can write about current events, news or other topics of interest to the publication’s readers. While many newspapers and magazines pay writers for their accepted contributions, others do not. In cases where publications do not pay for subscriptions, writers can benefit from the publicity generated by publishing their articles. This is usually the case when the article writer is developing a reputation as an expert in their field or if they own a business.
New media is a different matter, and many article authors now specialize in writing online content that can be very different in style from articles that appear in print. Some writers write blog articles, both for their own blogs and the blogs of others. Others write articles for major websites and online publications. Payment for new media writing varies considerably: some writers are paid a flat fee for their contributions, while others may have a share of any advertising revenue generated by their article. As with print media, some online article writing is unpaid, and the article writer benefits from the publicity generated by the article, as well as backlinks from the article to the writer’s website or blog.
Many companies that want an online presence but don’t have copywriters can hire a copywriter to keep their website and blog filled with fresh content. There are also several online companies that provide custom content for businesses that need a constant stream of fresh content for their websites. Writers working for these companies are often known as “content creators” and may specialize in writing in a way that promotes high search engine rankings, sometimes known as “search engine optimization” (SEO). An article writer can solicit web clients independently or can work as an independent contractor for a web content provider.